I hoped the same, but alas it’s still awesome!
It’s quite nice yeah. As much as I disslike the looks of some of the mechagnomes, I love their robots and I like their personalities and the zone itself. Out of Nazjatar and Mechagon(even with flying), its certainly the more well-designed zone in terms of fun. Which is a shame since as people have posted, after getting flying now, Nazjatar looks alot prettier.
But it’s a bit too late, since the ground design for it, and the early experience has made me hate the zone. And it still feels like an afterthought for this patch, and I do believe that my guess/speculation I posted a while ago is possibly the case; Mechagon was planned to be 8.2 and Nazjatar 8.3, but they for whatever reason decided midthrough the works to throw in Naz into the patch as well, hence why some aspects of it seems like a rush job.
Excuse me? You might aswell spit me in my face, ALL gnomes look awesome.
Gnomes are awesome! And most of them look neat! But some of the agumentations, especially for complete arms or legs looks…kinda
I want robot arms on goblins.
Although, I’d prefer to have the option for one arm only as robotic.
I disagree, and I’ll make Shadow a mechanized gnome if they get warlock as a class option.
Also, why have I never roleplayed with you or Jessicka? You two are awesome
Goblins aren’t smart enough, go get your gilgoblin custimisations, yo.
Stop trying to steal the gnomes’ niche.
God how I hate Gazlowe this patch.
I don’t know! I’ve roleplayed Vixi loads in the past, and currently switching back a bit to roleplaying on her again instead of my druid. Though I’ll be on my 120 Vixi.
Who said a goblin was gonna put on me, you angry santas helper?
I was gonna have those Mechybois do it.
Cool we’ll meet one day, I’m sure plans to stalk Vixi in whatever zone /who says s/he is in until we can roleplay
That’ll be treason, then.
Mechybois ain’t with the Alliance, so no.
Filthy Little Helper.
I’ll have you know that is a racist and derogatory term. The santas little helper gnomes are hard-working, opressed slaves under the greedy corporate sham that is greatfather winter. Did you know that the Smokywood Pastures Company only elevated this holiday into a publich, gift-giving one with Greatfather winter as their mascot, soley to gain money and profit?
We need to abolish this abhorrent monetary “holiday” and free the gnomes.
To confuse everyone, my 120 is Víxi instead of Vixí
I only use it against Shadowtwili.
I’d never use it against any other kind gnome, I swear.
They basicly are. Their homeland is next to the Kingdom of Kul Tiras, their ancestral people live in the Kingdom of Khaz Modan, they are gnomes and all gnomes are Alliance, thus they are Alliance.
Their ancestral people live in Ulduar, the MECHAGNOMES, and they aren’t part of the Alliance.
And the gnomes under Mechagon left Gnomeregan 400 years ago, long Before the Alliance was even a thing, so no, they aren’t with the Alliance. At least not yet.
So, the Naga, quillboar and ettins are part of the Alliance? I mean, they live on Kul Tiras.
Watch it or I’ll send you back to Greatfather Winter.
No, the Uldaman gnomes’ ancestral people live in Ulduar, the mechagnomes ancestral people are Uldaman/Gnomeregan gnomes.
But the gnomes lived in the Kingdom of Khaz Modan at that time, and that kingdom still exists, and the gnomes still live there and the Mechagonian gnomes have also lived there (if they’re as old as King Mechagon).
Don’t worry, when Queen Azshara rebels against the Old Gods because they lied (and Chris Metzen/Blizzard wanted naga playable), the naga will be in the Alliance too. Quillboar and ettin aren’t sentient so they can’t be part of the animals anymore then a horse can.
Don’t you mean goblin slavery? You goblins enslave your own and gnomes, and you enslave gnomes because of their superior intellect and work ethic.
They didn’t.
Gnomes had already settled in the area that is now Gnomeregan Before the dwarves awoke and left Uldaman, so they’ve been there Before the Kingdom of Khaz Modan was ever a thing.
Goblins are at least honest with their shenanigans.
At least we gnomes don’t wipe out 80% of our entire race, unlike a certain gnome did to his people.
Dwarves stole their lands.
Not to dissapoint you,but they soft-rectonned this in the Heritage Armour questline, in the style of “you didnt know the full story”.
Aw what the heck, seriously?
They changed the from Chronicles?!
It did still happen, but it was all an evil plan by Thermaplug and his 2nd in command Tezlo Sparkspanner, rather than an accident. The quest hints(or well more than hints, he litterally says it out-loud) that they were fully aware of what the radiation stuff would do to the gnomes, but they decided to trick Mekkatorque into using it anyway for Recongnition and fame, and they had planned to save the survivors themselves in the aftermath to gain their praise.