Pet Peeve: The Undying

Forgot to do timesheets for my work pay for the previous week of work.

I’m lucky I’m not in desperate need of the money, I’ll still get it just a week later.

Exactly. And Taliesin was invited to Blizz. And they had multiple interviews with devs.

For him to say “Asmon has more power than anyone at Blizz” is ludicrous if you see how close he himself is to Blizz.


Besides if “punching down” is wrong, does that mean an employer can’t criticize his employees? Not only does the argument not apply, it doesn’t even make any sense if it did!

Peeve: All the mentioned “Asmon reacts to X” vids that constantly pop up on my yotube as well, in spite of never having watched him in my life. I swear, I try to block them, and they still come flooding in…

I’ve grown to actively dislike the guy for this alone, in spite of never having seen him do anything.

Actually, just add reaction videos in general to that peeve.


Not that he can’t, but that he should be careful when he does so. With an unequal power dynamic, you have the issue that a worker can’t respond to criticism without a very real risk of losing her job.

It applies more to unfair and unequal power dynamics such as an able-bodied person making fun of a disability, because ‘punching down’ there reinforces the structure when we should be trying to dismantle it.

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Mark Kern stepped in to defend Asmon on Twitter.

This is starting to blow up like a drama topic on AD.


Mark Kern is such a weird figure. Like he’s cool because he was a producer on Vanilla, but he also wades into drama constantly and loves causing a stir and is also a bit of a douche.

EDIT: Case in point, this tweet:

What kind of ego is this.

I prefer the other guy, the class designer who is someone Jordan? He streams as well but is much more wholesome.


Is Jordan your big powerful Uncle? :smile:

Taliesin and Asmongold are top tier mongoloids tbh


The fact that I have yet to see anyone RP Louis Armstrong as a Kul Tiran.

Step up your game people.


Apparently we broke 12K?


Kevin Jordan. Remembered his name now.

Yep. Tis why I went there to begin with.

Asmongold looks weird as hell. His face is really long and he always has this toothy look like some rabbit.


Tbh I never liked Asmon. He makes these cheap reaction videos that keep popping up in my YouTube preferences, despite me never watching that type of videos, and actually barely watching any WoW videos, mostly just Blizzard’s (which I also find an effortless way to make a video btw). That alone is annoying, and the one time I watched his videos, he felt so entitled I could barely watch a few minutes.
Definitely not my cup of tea.

Tialesin (?) was kinda okay, I guess? I recall watching a few videos of him and Evitel, and some geeky jokes made me smile. Plus you actually notice effort behind the screen. Not sure how he’s doing now.
But yeah, YouTube drama won’t benefit him at all.

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Whips out trumpet

I feel a bit left out, I don’t get Asmagold stuff in my youtube feeds at all.

iirc it’s a fan channel that does these. They just take footage from his stream where he occasionally sits down and watches stuff. Might be different know.

Anyway: Trying to heal in XIV for the first time in ages.

It’s a tank with gear from 2 expansions ago, no job quests done (IE missing half their abilities) and never uses the general role abilities to mitigate damage.

“It’s not my main class”

“It was fine last run”

Christ on a bike.

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They’re both streaming now:

Asmon: Playing 8.2 and now and then bringing up the situation.

Taliesin: Reacting to the reaction video of his rant, explaining his point.

Reacting to their own reaction?