Pet Peeve: The Undying

Thinking about what game I’m going to play next on Switch for when I eventually finish Final Fantasy 12. I can’t imagine there is much left to do in that game, I just keep getting distracted by hunts and side stuff.

Either I pick up Fire Emblem at the end of this month, which could be good? I’ll see how the reviews pan out, or maybe I keep on the Final Fantasy train and grab X & X2 remastered. Or I go completely out of left field and pick up something else entirely.

I’m going to be in Italy for three weeks without my gaming laptop so need something to carry me through. Needs to be a THICC game.

I am biased 'cos I’m a fan of the series (though Fates was pretty meh) but Three Houses looks GREAT and it’s getting positive feedback pretty much across the board and I am so excited for it.

This is fine tbh. Really the Horde story’s main problem is the scaling and letting you do zones in any order, when it was clearly written for a more linear storyline.


True, I mean while I say I felt a bit demotivated, the stories were still very well written and I can see it being enjoyed for standing out from the normal stuff.

But yeah, I did notice that there was a distinct thread throughout the zones that became kinda messed if I did one in the wrong order(which I think I did).

I had more problems with the War Campaign, mainly due to the weird diffrences in portrayals of the enemy factions like I spoke of before in the past, but also that up until Dazar’Alor, all of the Horde’s campaign was completly invalidated by the Alliance one. And it felt bad to see it coming when I played Alliance first, so when doing the quests on horde I kept thinking “Hey, this is the stuff we fixed in the Alliance campaign…”

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My suggestion is if its on the switch: Darkest Dungeon. I find it to be a game you can get kinda lost in and suddenly you’ve played it for 200 hours+

I already have Darkest Dungeon, but didn’t get much time into it because I was struggling with working out the mechanics tbh. The tutorial was very lax, and I’m the kind of lame gamer that needs hand holding at the beginning most of the time.

Unless it’s a genre/series I’m already familiar with.

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I get you :slight_smile: and yeah tbh, I did end up restarting that game several times until I learned it and got hooked on it that I am now.

Other suggestions are: Stardew Valley, or perhaps Skyrim cus Skyrim?

I dont have a switch myself, so I only know the famous titles sadly.

Also have both of those games lmao.

Stardew Valley was another one I struggled with in the beginning because no tutorial but eventually got into it once I looked at some online tips to help me get my foot in the door. I play it from time to time, but find myself never getting more than a year in.

Skyrim is what I played last time I was out here for an extended period, had a Redguard two handed warrior mashing people up. Was great times. Might be due for another play through but deciding what I want to be takes forever and makes it difficult to just drop into.

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I’ve heard good stuff about Octopath Traveller to scratch the JRPG itch, though I’ve not played it myself.


I’ve heard that being very good too yeah. Seen alot of people recommend it.

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Octopath traveller is a fun game. Not the best story in a JRPG but far from the worst. The gameplay itself and the novelty of eight simultaneous character stories keeps things fresh throughout the game.

I think it’s on PC now, too.

Edit: Personally I’m looking forward to Fire Emblem Three Houses. Never played a FE game before, so it’s all new to me.

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Celeste is great if you like platformers & are a perfectionist.

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Octopath Traveler has been in the back of my mind for a while. But I’ve heard some mixed opinions, the idea of playing 8 different characters together with separate stories is cool. But apparently they don’t really intersect at all and are very disconnected from one another.

I’d grab it if it was cheap, but even on sale it’s still a bit too steep.

Also have Celeste. Great game, great soundtrack.

/sip/ what a game

Pet Peeve: currently this Pet Peeve thread reads like a Argent Dawn general discussion thread with little to no peeving and complaining in it.

Make Peeving Great Again.

Your peeve peeves me.


What’s that, you want peeves? Sure, let’s circle this thread right back around to where it always goes:

My peeve is “the usual” in TRP. LIKE WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?

20 posts later after everyone talks about what it means and the various TRP tropes, and we’re straight back into General Discussion which is the cornerstone of this great and powerful 12k+ thread.

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But why is this thread not called General Discussion then? It peeves me. :thinking:

General Peevescussion

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Calling it General Discussion isn’t meta enough.

Also the peeves naturally flow into and coexist with general discussion, it’s coffee shop talk at best. We rant because it’s Argent Dawn culture much like it is British culture. Peeving is the catalyst for normal conversation.