Pet Peeve: The Undying

They read Dragon Ball and learned Kame-Hame-Ha, problem solved.

That’s not cold. Please give me that temperature…

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Magni gave me a neck because he is, firmly established in lore, an idiot.

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It isn’t. Because I now adapted to it.

It’s my character invoking their inner anime-all-might


My favourite thing about people /emote dueling in RP is watching them squirm as they try to explain why little brown letters appear in my lower left field of vision describing their actions while they stand completely still.

Just lol.


True intellectuals do RP duelling by playing Heartstone against eachother without minions, to truly make it a 1v1.

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I’m generally happy when an issue is fixed IC without resulting to violence. I can accept more belligerent characters depending on their background and race…

But I certainly don’t enjoy someone escalating any interaction like… I don’t know, taking randomly a book from a person IC and said person is resulting to flinging Fireballs like a Monkey throwing :poop:.

What if I roleplay something like a warlock? Does that allow me to summon all the demon minions?

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Non-RP realms on the RPPvP Classic realm. A lot of people obviously rolled here just to avoid queues and it shows.

Fortunately the RP realm naming policy still applies here, but it makes me wonder how long it’ll take for ‘ipwnnubs’ or ‘gankzz’ to get a forced name change.

You seem to need a mass report to do it. Individual reports don’t seem to get much attention.

Yes in ten letters.

I went into a classic thread with my second account to check if really it’s as bad as people say.

I suggested that I’d play classic if :

  • We had HD models of today
  • Had goblins as neutral playable race
  • Could transmog stuff
  • Mounts being available at level 30 instead of 40.

Needless to say, their responses were more or less “Reee.”


They’re still huffing the rosy fumes of their teen year computer rooms.

Give it two more months and the majority will be going “is this really it?!”, demanding a BC expansion exactly to specification as it “should” have been.

A wild peeve appears!

Petty as it is, weekend hangryness with nothing but preserved garbage in the fridge. If hunger doesn’t drive me out to fetch a burger, I can’t complain further.

Not getting a

From those parts of the forum, now thats an oddity!

Honestly I’d leave them in it for 2 years with the update here and there. Naxxramax and all those have yet to be released after all and they sure can still level up an alt in between patches.

I just want them to finally shut it up… Both Classic and Retail extremists are stupid. I can’t help but think back on Taran Zhu’s words in ToT “It stops when you turn from one another and walk away” and honestly… True words.

I seem to recall a majority being outraged at the arrogant presumptions of this outsider daring to lecture us on the nature and cost of war, such a rude and ignorant creature deserving nothing but mockery.

Which is also kind of the stance against any who dare question the perfection of Holy Vanilla.

I never liked Ingame Taran Zhu. Seriously all he did was complaining about the outsiders ruining his country which is a legitimate actions… Only to then keep insulting them as they helped his order of Shado-Pan dealing with all the threats they’re too lazy to investigate or to spare troops in helping.

Taran Zhu in the books however is cool. He suffers the same curse as Tyrande. Cool in the books, lame in the game.

Bold hothead ruins everything, murdering kin for expedient solutions in spite claims of possessing the wisdom of ages? Hot damn. But now I kind of want to see passive, dumb armcandy Taran Zhu, too.

Mean while in classic:
Call of Water