They were accurate. Hyper accurate. A single Rokkit boy could land a cluster missile square on the head of a pin from across the map. A whole squad of them? Yeah, bye bye.
Also, for a race that is famous for its bodging and ramshackle appearance with no uniforms (besides Blood Axes and Storm Boyz at least) they sure did look uniform. Like… one model per mob type uniform. One might even say lazy.
But, yes, other than the lack of cover-taking the sound and movement was 100% befitting an Astartes. Playing a Heavy Bolter Devastator was That stomp~
Ah, you meant accuracy in the other sense - my mistake.
I generally agree with you - the game was like a 7/10, good but flawed, but a solid 9 in how it executed making you feel like a walking tank who towered over regular humans and dealt with enemy fire by going in even harder. I hope someone makes a new game with that feel in mind.
Gameplay wise, the only things Id change were the aforementioned weapons, fix Orks nonsense hyper-accuracy, add a cover mechanic (sorry, but just because ‘Gears did it first’ doesnt mean its not good and very fitting for Marines. Especially the force/weight of the animation) and change executions from being ‘this is the only way to get HP back’ to a risk/reward buff mechanic, i.e. you dont NEED to, but its super satisfying and can panic enemies/buff you or your team.
And maybe add squadmates. Aside from that? Purely aesthetics; massively more varied enemy mobs. Way more NPCs/civilians and distant battlefield vistas. Imagine walking through crowds of human refugees, all falling to their knees or trying to risk a touch of an Angel of the Emperor? Space Marine was good on the Imperium aesthetics, but it needed to go with it far harder. Again, I can appreciate technical limitations… back then
I suspect (hope) that more would be done to emphasise the ‘the Imperium is not something to emulate as it’s a fascist and corrupt theocracy’ rather than glorifying it but warhammer does not skirt that line well.
A few too many fans who go apoplectic at the idea of female space marines or taking the boob plate off the Token Women Army
I mean Female Marines make no sense. I had that discussion recently with someone, and its like… big up the likes of the IG and Sisters and Inquisition? I mean, technically facing the GrimDark as a baseline human is, surely, MORE badass?
The lore could be that Space Marines are actually have four heads and speak only in backwards German. That’s the fun thing about fictional lore - literally anything can be made up.
And that’s an absurd example I thought of off the top of my head. “What if Space Marines also recruited women” is child’s play.
I mean, yeah, we could just retcon every thing, ever.
Then you end up with WoW and JK Rowling, though. So… pick your poison.
(Also, people keep forgetting the Imperium IS grossly unequal, bloated, corrupt and not nice?)
Arguably even better, Sisters have none of the super-human gubbins that Astartes have, and yet still punch hugely above their weight through sheer force of willpower.
Edit: Heck, the reason the Imperium is such a mess is because fully half the Astartes Legions turned traitor. Sisters? One so far has gone traitor, and not even sure she’s canon anymore.
So, unbreakable willpower, even more loyal than a Marine, and capable of becoming Living Saints?
Who’s the badass one again?
Big brained alternative: accept that the author’s interpretation of canon is important but only one of many - read up on Death of the Author interpretation of fiction.
Female space marines are sisters of battle
You’re welcome
Tokenism isn’t equality. : )
(Also, people keep forgetting the Imperium IS grossly unequal, bloated, corrupt and not nice ?)
If it was the Imperium deciding that women couldn’t be Space Marines it would be comically absurd in the face of utter war where every man, woman and child (and variations thereupon) is required to fight to the death - an actually good satire on how ridiculous chauvinism can be.
It isn’t, though. The writers decided it (edit - this would also be the case if they had written the Imperium as denying women, but in that case there could be satirical intent that is not present now). The same writers who decided that all Orks must be male(-presenting) and exclusively refer to themselves as ‘boyz’ - because Warhammer was initially written in a time where women’s representation wasn’t taken seriously and they haven’t yet updated the lore to catch back up.
You say ‘tokenism’, and then focus on changing one of the longest established groups ‘just because’, rather than adding more models and depth to the factions that are already entirely equal. Such as; Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Mechanicus, Knights both Imperial and Chaos, Chaos cultists, Eldar of both flavours, and Demons.
Seems like a rather large list, that.
Also, Orks have no gender. They’re sentient fungus that loves fighting.
I find it interesting that you don’t question why a gender is excluded for no reason (‘the space magic doesn’t work that way’ is not a reason, it’s an excuse) but instead demand an explanation for why they must be added.
That’s a woefully shallow take. They’re male-presenting.
Why go back and change old classics and universes in which modern tropes and representation get jammed in a way that stands out like a sore thumb?
You could just create a new universe that best fits them (See Cyberpunk?)
Games are one form of art, and like all art they reflect their times. There’s exceptions, but even then those archaic or forward thinking ideas still manifest in the context the art piece is made or continued in.
You wouldn’t go asking for classical art pieces to be re-painted to be more inclusive, would you?