Pet Peeve: The Undying

It will only get worse.

Last winter, it was fairly snowy in certain areas, but it also went away every 3rd day only to come back after.

But there was ice everywhere to make up for it, until like April.

I swear there was way WAY more snow when I was younger. I could usually build a big snowman on my birthday which is early November. Nowadays I feel like we’re lucky to see snow by late December.


Willow trees are bearing loads of berries this year.

That means that there will be little snow, as according to an old Finnish saying the “Willow doesn’t bear two loads a year”.

Will be funny to see if the age old saying holds true.

The Grim Gest is an equal opportunity employer.


It’s crazy frustrating how very little Heritage raids are taking place on Alliance compared to Horde. It’s hindering for me because I don’t have highly geared toons on Horde to Solo NM and LFR Legion raids.

 Casters still have a hard time soloing Legion raids in NM or LFR.

In the past month since I bought my PS4 I’ve finished Spider-Man, God of War, The Last of Us and begun playing the Uncharted series.

My Peeve is that with the speed I’m blazing through these games I’m soon gonna be out of stuff to play :frowning:

That was cunning, boy

You could always challenge yourself with achievements/feats in the games. I spent a long time completing Spider-Man!

Bloodborne will last a while.

One of the easier platinum trophy games tbh (there was even a news article about it

I want a chonky kul tiran so I have a character like me IRL

Lives near the sea and long overdue a heart attack

(Do I finish the rep grind, or does the rep grind finish me)?

Name the character “Ohlawd he coming”

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Ohl Awd, the Coming


You can do it, I believe in you. Think of the chunky toon that awaits you.


Gears 5 multiplayer. Why did they think it wise to murder customisation? Why are the servers made out of felt? Why, after 50 waves of consecutive Horde, without dying did I get nothing?

I hate being over stimulated to the point I have to be distracted at every second by something so I’m sat here stressed as hell cause nothing is going on.

The fact that we will never get a sequel to Space Marine. This game is so god damn good it ain’t even real. The first game that actually makes you feel like a Space Marine


But I already got 100 % on Spidey and God of War

Hot take; I still think it was average. Yes, it was better than most other games till that point (Dawn of War not included) but that wasn’t a super high bar.
The Orks were all copy paste. They had bull-manure accuracy (looking at you, Rokkit Launchers and Shoot Nobz
) and the lack of cover mechanics was a detriment, not a ‘feature’, because the overuse of executions made them repetitive rather than satisfying.

On top of that, you had some weird weapon designs (shotgun-meltagun, sniper-lascannon) and a really distinct lack of ‘stuff’ in the background (it was too quiet for a supposed warzone, although I appreciate there were limitations in technology there)

To clarify, it wasnt all doom and gloom; the Bolters were just :ok_hand:, of all varieties, and despite the aforementioned weird weapon choices the multiplayer was good fun more often than not.

Id like another 3PS warhammer game, but I would dare it to do much better.

I dip my toes in this hot take and find it quite luke-warm. Cold in fact. I shiver and remember how noone shilled this game when it came out because it’s just so generic

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“Orks look the same and aren’t accurate with their weapons” doesn’t feel like a valid criticism so much as an accurate description of the fungus people who fire their guns by sheer psychic force of will.

The game itself was good if not great - I’m sad that we didn’t get the chance to build on it because the feel of being a Space Marine was absolutely spot on.