What’s your targeted calorie intake?
There wasn’t one. Just… eat better and do those weird portions a day. Two of meat is killing me. I usually feast all day on chicken lmao.
The point where my cannula was is bruised to beans. Black bruise, aches a bit. Its apparently fine, nut bloody chunder is going back to work going to be a pain.
Peeve: people putting their char’s sexual orientation in their TRP. Why’d they do that?
I think you can imagine why.
I don’t want to imagine why.
I can, but it’s not the reason you’d expect.
Coughs. You do know what the Kilogramme is based on, right? A Chunk of Iridium and Platinum, given that both stone and metal are naturally occurring types of ore (With the exception of much more modern alloys) Then, uhhhm, Europe and America both use a chunk of rock as their definition of the weight of something. I think the original chunk they used is still visible to the public, in Sevres in France, as it was mainly Napoleon’s idea, the whole commonality of weights and measures.
To be fair in the UK, Stones are only commonly used to describe a person’s bodyweight, British businesses use KG same as anywhere else.
Also it is simple, 5 feet is 60 inches, twelve inches to a foot. Easy!
I mean the metric equivalent is 1.524 metres, which is just messier…
Yeah, Cannulae are not fun time things, I suppose it allows medicinal drips easier, and the application of syringe medicines to patients who may have phobias of needles, essentially they just need one needle, rather than several per day or whatever. They’re also useful for the Military, a lot of special forces going into dodgy places self-cannulate themselves, so if injured, their comrades can just find the Cannula and pop the needle in, no fussing with trying to find the right spot, allowing quicker emergency treatment.
This said, they are pretty painful, will bruise and ache, and look pretty grim going in and coming out, I’ve had plenty of them, have no fear of needles, but they still look a bit grim…
I think as Tehya says, we know -why- they do it, it is however idiotic, as you can never tell just by looking at someone. Hair colour? Yes, Eye colour? Yes, Tall or Short, Fat or Thin, any visible scars? Yes. Who they prefer to tump beneath the sheets, No.
So many character ideas and so little motivation to actually level them up at the moment. Give me back Gw2 where I at least could give them a cool mog no matter their level and be done with it.
I remember when the Trial of Valor sets were transmoggable on lvl 1s. But ofc they fixed that soon after. Blegh.
I honestly do not understand the logic there. You have to grind to level 120 on a new character, the least Blizzard could do is allow our poor questing heroes to look their best doing it.
Heritage sets are fine, Trial of Style sets are fine, so why is a Northrend tier set totally unacceptable?
Not anymore
Kilogram is using a constant occurring in nature since 20th of may 2019. Not some rudimentary piece of atom losing and gaining metal.
Say no to vore-lore
But you can’t install two authenticators on one phone, can you?
The function was added, that’s why.
Listing preference might marginally cut down on random advances but you could also just tell those people off directly in the description.
Post hoc rationalisation of an indefensible chore of a system of weights based on valuing 9th century coins. The savagery must end, for the good of the world.
This is why TRP’s feature creep is my pet peeve.
I’d use XRP, but it’s no longer maintained.
Fill out what you like and leave the rest. I barely ever use the personality trait sliders as assigning a numerical value to a binary extreme in describing a person is bizzare to me.
I stopped using authenticators after I kept forgetting to unlink them before I got rid of my phone and having to contact Blizzard customer support to get it sorted, one time involving sending a copy of my birth certificate as proof of ID.
Not sure if it’s any easier now. I miss having the physical one though.
Sucks that they stopped making them. My Cataclysm one is still working but sometimes it takes a few button presses to generate the number so it might be on its way out
Being the tard I am I thought I only had to get Tortollans to revered so I could unlock flying.
I completely missed the unshackled and rustbolt resistance
Reeeeeee how to grind them (got 3000 rep left to go on unshackled, just hit friendly with rustbolt)