Pet Peeve: The Undying

I thought it’d ended. Then it turned out season 9 existed.

For a second I thought you were talking about Supernatural

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Christ. That crud reuses things more than wow. Do people still watch it?

Supernatural only has 5 seasons :slight_smile:

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Are the actors still dishy?

Don’t say that, the other ten will hear you.

If they tickled your pickle then, they will now.

A brief stint on Google suggests they’re wrapping up the show with this upcoming season.

With Zidormi being a thing, and classic being out, can they add the old zone appearances back in? Cause yknow, that’d be nice.
“Show me what this area looked like before the Cataclysm”

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I think classic killed every last hope of that ever happening.


Epic Store is dishing out the entire Batman Arkham series (sans Origin) and Lego Batman for free ninetynine, which is absolutely perfect considering it was next on my to-play-list anyway.

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I have never seen the Matrix trilogy.

It’s overrated. Even the first film


I found personally that it hasnt aged very well.


I have, however, seen the entire kung-fu panda trilogy, which remains to this date as one of my favorites.

I can watch the movies several times over and always seem to find something new in them.

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I remember enjoying them as a teen, must have watched them on DvD a billion times.

I think that’s because they were edgy and like I totally related to the story of the whole world being like a machine yo and nothing is like it seems and only I know the truth about it all. Woah.

Also at the time the action scenes seemed pretty cool, but they definitely haven’t aged well. Gotta admit when I went back and watched the trilogy recently they were not anywhere near as good as I remember them being.


The third one was pretty weak IMO.

They just rehashed the themes of the First and Second.

My favorite of that trilogy being the second because it was grimmer since it took 3 years for the second one to be released.

The 3rd had its good parts though. I can very much sympathize with Kai because Oogway did indeed erased his existance aside from a scroll telling their story and then finishing off with “This is how you get rid of him if he returns.”.

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Insomnia. That is all.

I like all of them, personally. It’s hard to name a favorite one, because all of them have such good story telling elements despite having varying themses, the villains are always interesting and multi-dimensional, and the growth of the protagonists (Po, F5, Shifu, Oogway) seems always meaningful & symbolic).

For the 3rd ones credit specifically though (since you mentioned it), I feel that Kai’s storyline sheds a lot of meta-information on Oogway’s past.

For one, we know that he was an aspiring young warrior at the head of an army- So a warlord, like Kai. We also know from Kai & him that they were sworn battle-brothers, and from Kai we learn that their goal was to conquer all of china, untilt he ambush.

So Oogway, at the start of his journey of Kungfu, was in fact using his power for selfish ends and goals- And Kai was aligned with him. In the panda village though, Oogway’s near death experience and the empathic help of the pandas changed him fundamentally from that path to the one we know him from in the following movies.

This also explains why Kai felt such vendetta and hate towards Oogway, because as far as he was concerned, they had made a promise to one another about conquering china, so taking the chi of the pandas was just another step on the way- Yet his best friend betrayed his promise, and him in the process. Not only this, but he wiped out all memory of him (likely so that others wouldn’t learn of his chi-stealing abilities), to add insult to injury.

Kai didn’t turn bad. Oogway just turned good.

So, Oogway robbed him of two of his (supposedly) main goals: Want for recognition/to be famous (his entire character is about bravado and wanting recognition, which is one of his main character traits throughout the movie), and want for conquest- A goal shared by many great men in the past ranging from Julius Caesar to Alexander the great just to give a few examples.

Kai also happens to kill every scene with how menacing and epic he is in his swaggering and skill.

The protagonists story was also quite good, with the theme around parent vs step parent theme being really close to many children these days, and the story teaching that having multiple parents isn’t necessarily bad for you. KFP3 also did what many other franchises don’t understand to do: Have a good end to a solid story. Po’s story was finished, all loose ends were tied up and the audience could leave behind the universe with want but content.


Its kinda funny(in a nice way) to see how much lore discussion Kung fu panda can have

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I’m an absolutely trash player at “creative” games. Things like Minecraft for example where the kind of core appeal of the game is the ability to make cool things from scratch.

I want to be able to do it but I just don’t have that kind of brain to do that. I love Cities: Skylines but I’m trash at it and I hate it, I want to lay out super cool cities and make them look good but in the end they always end up a mess of traffic jams and weird and randomly placed things that don’t really look like they fit.

I think I am crap at transmog for exactly the same reason.