Pet Peeve: The Undying

I just loved how Kai felt real.
For him, Oogway was indeed a brother, they always fought together and got in the same troubles.
When I heard that after that ambush Kai carried his Bro for days to find help for him you can’t help but feel respect for the Man… Yak.

Kai also is legit strong, okay maybe a bit of a discount Kratos but a cool one nonetheless. He fought 4 masters at the same time and held his ground. All of it felt justified since Oogway killed him twice… First by banishing him, but also ensuring that his memory is forgotten by all. Usually even Tyrants are used as a moral lesson for bedtime story or remembered as a lesson for those who might want to follow their path.

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KFP also has some of the best villain voice actors known to man:

Tai Lung: Ian Mcshane
Lord Shen: Gary Oldman
Kai: J.K Simmons

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I don’t think anyone could’ve done a better Po than Jack Black, either.


That character also has the ability to reverse death. His own and that of others. Makes the “death resistant” thing quite redundant, don’t you think?

Yea when I read over my reply I realised there are some major overlaps.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Murder House, Asylum, Coven and Freak Show. Each season had a supernatural thing to them + even the mentioning of the “anti christ” and such in season 1. But… Just… Why continue that in an absolute out of this world story? Freak Show confirmed the existence of aliens even. Where are they in that whole apocalypse scenario?

It’s becoming too ridicilous for me to care.

That Goldshire thread lasted longer than I’d have expected, by quite a margin.


Its about time.

Too long if you ask me.

Only one thread can rule forever.


The dark lord Tehya forged in secret a master thread, to out last all others… One thread to eliminate them all.


I seem to recall the wedding of Lilynore thread lasting longer than this most recent one. That one just never seemed to end.

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Ash thread Gimbatul…

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The Lux have a good starting trolling position but can rarely sustain it long enough for a thread.

They’re pretty bad at it basically

As of late? It’s always been this way, at least since Wrath, which was when I started RPing.

People like to compare RP today to some kind of golden age, but really, the only thing worse with today’s RP compared to RP of old is that the amount of spontaneous RP has declined compared to Wrath or MoP. In the heyday of the Stormwind City Watch, I liked just how populated Stormwind was, and how many colorful people just hanging out in the city I regularly interacted with on Watch patrols. These days it seems to be all about bubbles and guild RP.

They pull people into the web, the people realise they’re trapped and back out, but then a new rotation of people enter the thread and get caught in it. Rinse and repeat until the thread is over 1000 replies and days later when the mods finally see what’s happening and come in.

They’re also rife opportunities for like farmers like myself to go in and meme for some easy currency.


Like farming is a hard job, but it’s honest work

When I get home from work my wife always asks me if I had a productive day. Most days I can give her a positive report.

She thinks I’m talking about that thing I get paid to do Monday to Friday, but I’m actually talking about my day out on the forum fields harvesting my likes.


Reminder that you only need 20 likes for trust level 3.

I found the “Like grind threads” when the forums first came out hilarious. If you do the 100 days back to back posting that lv3 also needs you’re guaranteed 20 likes. Unless you’re literally the worst.

or you get forum banned

I already served my time you gonna have to come and take me, I ain’t going back

Can confirm that certain AD regular posters are on a Blizzard watch list. They have a mod team dedicated just to watch them 24/7 to make sure that if they step out of line even on questionable terms they get instantly banned.

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Am I on the list?