Son of Bruuf
He went Poof
Jumped off the Roof
Didn’t land on his Hoof
He did a Goof
Very cute. 10/10 would look at your reflection again.
Cooking dinner and this pork is so dry that it belongs behind glass in the museum of cairo next to Ramses II.
Oh for pity’s sake, I have not been keeping up with naming Erybdis’ pets, now to find suitable pet names that have to do with mana, magic, flowers or pretentiously long words (mostly)
So you’re saying, it would be preferable to eat Ramses II rather than the pork?
Ugh, Human Northeners… Truly something to be avoided. It’s just a discount Vrykul disguised as a Human.
discount Vrykul
So… humans?
Nah, it’s something even lower than that.
I can’t really explain.
So many Spirit Beasts on Erybdis, who mains MM.
@ Kotor gamers, I’m doing the Dxun Sith Temple mission now.
Who’s your ideal party for the mission? Mine’s always Handmaiden, Atton, Visas.
Disturbing lack of HK-47.
Mira, Atton and Visas.
I like Mira on all Dxun content because of her mando background.
I guess Mira would be decent, especially with her passive where she doesn’t set off mines, but I feel like Handmaiden is top girl when Exile’s not in the party. Her melee combat stats are insane.
Atton is the obvious choice since he can’t be killed so long as another party member is alive, so I don’t need to worry about healing him. Also his backstab passive is great if he’s not the party leader.
I considered HK-47, but something about the Sith temple feels right to have Visas on board. She also comes across as the second best support after Kreia.
To be honest it’s been so long since I played Kotor 2 I can’t even remember which party members are good and for what.
Just don’t use bao-dur. I could never find a sufficient niche for him myself, he always felt a bit mediocre.
I know that feeling all too well. You have my sympathy.
thanks, it sucks!
Another peeve; Can’t find a descent looking sword to go with Cro’s current set, I’d like it to be sleek and either purple or a neutral colour.
My brief stint in alliance RP quickly made me realize the clique of Northman rpers are one of the worst things.
Tell me about it.
It’s especially egregious when start monologuing about their clans, their rituals as if they’re something special when you can find a wow race doing just that.
I know that chronicles volume 3 had this mention about about a human settlement in Northrend but nothing ever said or shown they are just discount Vrykuls or just want to RP human Vikings.
They’re mildly annoying in the best cases or “Here’s my headcanon, let me shove it down your throat” in the worst ones. I know it sounds like punishing them for taking some freedom in the lore but they really, really are the worst as you said.
Joining every rp campaign with “ugh we’re being commanded by southerners” and whining ic and ooc if their people aren’t in charge.
I thought you meant the ones from Gilneas/Lordaeron at first when you said “Northeners”… this sounds even worse.