Pet Peeve: The Undying

Those too. We can lump them in together

Disney C&D’d the project to remake Kotor 1 and 2 with 4k graphics. Imagine what could have been…


Falling asleep with sleeping meds is fine, right? Right. Shame i wake up a few hours later -_- Peeved.

Mistook my hot morning coffee for a mug of cold coffee I’d forgotten about yesterday.



What’s with that? Northern lords who shouldn’t be lords in want of lands and kingdom are one thing, barbarian high kings of northrend mustering their huskarls is another entirely. I mean, the vikings show isn’t even popular anymore, is it? Why the surge?

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I’m getting sick. Big time. Throat hurts like hell. Coughing like I’m some sort of heavy smoker.
(Note: I don’t smoke. At all.)


I legit met a 440 ilevel balance druid yesterday in TD +11 that told me he can’t do the cannons because he’s never done them before.

The absolute state of this game. How did it come to this?


Maybe he wasn’t sure how to use it and didn’t want to screw up?

Imagine that.

Bought the account or got carried and got the gear handed over.

How do you get to 440 item level without knowing basic dungeon mechanics?

Poor memory or don’t pay attention to what everyone else is doing? Not doing certain dungeons?

BFA in ten letters

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BFA = where everybody is crying like a 5 year old no matter what.

I pay 12.99 for that!

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For real though there’s no excuse unless you’ve legit never done the dungeon before.

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Like you? ^^

Implying everyone read guides…

Laziness isn’t really an excuse, it’s a character flaw.


I don’t read guides, but I know how to do tactics, since I use DBM and learn by doing. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well, from what I’ve seen in my lower level TD pugs, melees tend to race towards the cannons and don’t let anyone else give them a go. There’s a chance he was in these kinds of groups all the time and simply never had the chance to use a cannon. Not to mention you can get to 440+ without ever doing Tol Dagor while still being a fairly good player in other aspects of the game.


A logical person, erhmegerd.