Pet Peeve: The Undying

Ah, okay, fair enough. But Riddle me this, you say that people have always said that the Problem with AD is [Insert program for communication] does this ultimately mean that the problem is not the communication programs but AD? Which ultimately means that the only way to cure AD is to get rid of it? because if so this makes this go to a whole new layer of grim.

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Yes, this means that some parts of the community on AD were always garbage and that the evolving social network and communication programs only made this more apparent.

Well, This is just depressing. This is almost as depressing as playing Darkest Dungeon while listening to the last albums produced by musicians before they died, all while a child who has 3 days left to live cries in the back.

I don’t think I like this place anymore.

You can recreate the Sith Assassin look from KOTOR 2 in ESO but not in WoW

I wish Blizzard would actually update the clothing system in wow.


Maybe next expac? Alongside more custamisation options? Hopefully.

Oh, we don’t have high school here. It’s structured differently.

Anyway, I have not really mentioned any networking apps (I assume you mean discord). I don’t think discord and skype are significantly different, other than discord being more smooth and convenient in general.


A young cranky lady. You’re still a baby!

I’ve been cranky since my late teens. It is simply who we were destined to be. Embrace it!

Well his name isn’t really relevant even if like Grimgrin pointed out Valkorion sounds better. Vitiate’s a good character and it is the only plot thread (though implied) from KOTOR 2 that they left untouched while butchering Revan and the Exile.

It’s just sad what they’ve done with the established canon from KOTOR 1 and 2.

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While I haven’t properly played KOTOR 1 and 2(I will do at some point) I did play a bunch of swtor, and I feel like it’s been a mixed bag. The original class stories were mixed, some were really good in some acts but boring in others. Hutt cartel was okayish. The revan storyline was -really- bad. I would compare Revan’s portrayal in it to Mass Effect’s Kai Leng, with every npc screeching in terror about what a badass he was and how impossible the odds are, yet we beat the Revanites at every turn(was also weird how they became a massive force larger than the republic and empire).

It felt like very very bad(especially since it was poorly recieved) fan-service.

I did however greatly enjoy the Eternal Throne/Fallen Empire storylines. It was entertaining to play and engaging. Only downside I had is that it made the game shift into heavily soloplayer(in alot of cases it was more difficult to do it in co-op due to phasing issues), which was a downgrade from past expansions that made the storylines approachable in co-op. And that is fine, if it was a singleplayer game. It felt even more jarring that it was meant to be an MMO.

Again Vitiate/Valkorion is generally a really good character (even if before he got more fleshed out character development Vitiate felt faintly like an Emperor Palpatine knock-off) but I feel TOR additions to the Old Republic continuity has been really bad.

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I’ve heard the continueity complains/issues before and from what I’ve seen it seems to have been botched very poorly :l with Revan being the primary mess up. As for Vitiate, I agree that he in the start, atleast in swtor, felt alot like Palpatine, but it picked up alot on Ziost, and as you progressed through the Eternal Fleet expansions, I came to quite like his story and character. He was a good villian.

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I used to be like you until I found the Grim Gang- Or rather, the Gang found me.

For the first time since probably when I joined the Iron Vulture (RIP) I feel like I’m in a place where I fit in so solidly I don’t see much coming in the way at least in the near future.

You just got to find your own Grim Gang, essentially.

Or you can just keep RPing outside of RP guilds and communities. Random RP, join to campaigns as individual, that sort of thing. It worked for me for majority of my WoW career.


I just wish we’d be happy using the handy ingame communities, guilds and calendar invites for communication and event planning.

Discord is unfortunately much more convenient for most of the people so it is going to be used in favour of the guilds/communities until a new, better communicator appears.

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How is it actually better than a direct, built in chat function in the actual game other than the inability to post meme pictures at a moment’s notice?

I’m just too old wanting a convenient chat.


I guess it’s much easier to access on a mobile device when you don’t have access to your home PC and still want to chat with your friends.

Easier access than an ingame chat when you’re, well, not ingame. Can combine with other stuffs than WoW so you don’t have to keep a hundred different softwares. (Lot of my servers are not WoW related, nor my friends). I want to say mobile device, but I’m not sure how well is the bnet app, I know it exists. Overall, a not too bad layout on discord. Possibility to open it in a navigator, without downloading anything.
I mean, it have its flaws but Discord isn’t a bad software in general.

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I would have been fine with TOR’s existence if it was a spin-off set in the Old Republic timeline and created its own lore separate from KOTOR. Instead the protagonists from those games has left one’s character butchered (Revan) while the other was given an underwhelming and disappointing end in the Exile.