Pet Peeve: The Undying

Ca-ca-ca-combo breaker!

Please tell me you dont have that annoying accent.

What in the Unholy is happening here?!


Wanna join?

Always. Whatā€™s up?

Sitting at work, bored as hell.

Day ends 16:10 or so, then Iā€™m going to IKEAā€¦

Remember. You buy what you need. NOTHING ELSE!

I meanā€¦ Iā€™m a 25 year old man.

I go there because I NEED to go there for a new bed, else I wouldnt touch that place with a 20 meter long stick.

Urkrogg, you dawg, what have you been doing.

Iā€™m 23.
Last time I went here, it happened.
The curse of Ikeaā€¦ struck meā€¦


What annoying accent would that be?

An austrian one.

Iā€™m going to bite youā€¦

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My current one is absolute :poop:.

Not too hard thenā€¦
Or Iā€™ll stab you.

Youā€™re not the boss of my chompers, Madame.

ill stab u m8 m8

Iā€™ll kick you in the moot.

Wellā€¦ Iā€™m also gonna look for a new desk and pillowsā€¦ but I wont go look around for stuff I aint going there for.

Terrible meatballs?