Pet Peeve: The Undying

Please show support. The worgen shoulder positioning is long due for a well-deserved fix.

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I have this weird half cold, half my nose is stuffed and I sneeze but I don’t feel like I have a cold, so it is this weird feeling of knowing I am sick but not feeling sick

I think it worked when I, in a not so friendly way, told the sickness to fudge off until the weekend, when I can be bothered to get down with the sickness and it seems to have kind of worked.

Hope you get better soon. :pray:

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Me having to work in an effing kiosk for two weeks at the airport.

I’m a friggin bartender! Not a cashier!

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Not anymore you’re not!


The manager is not in. Could I offer you some jägermeister while you wait?

Karen?! She’s back to complain guys!

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No, phone him!

Aggressively throws coupons before fleeing


Hoped USA would perform better.

sadly chants

USA … USA … USA … :sob:

They’re losers! Boo England, boo.

Rude. Why you gotta be rude?

We cannot change, nor deny who and what we are, Roxy!

Are you north irish?


Combo breaker

What’s a Queenslander?

A North Eastern Australian?

Oh, you’re from Austria.