Pet Peeve: The Undying

It’s a Catholic tradition to give men “Maria” as one of their first names.

Guillaime: “I will stop the murder hobo at every turn”

Murder hobo (me): exposes Guillaime as a heretic and eventually kills him


If you’d just let me get my airship, I’d be out of your hair, then you could’ve continued to drop innocent people off of cliffs.

EDIT: I could really not do with traipsing around central Coerthas for this bull honky.

even when he dies he’s like; “you won’t survive the dragons in the Stone Vigil”. So best outcome? I die in there, worst outcome, I kill a few of his allies, but he’d still be alive to do his spying and killing as many ishgardians as he can.

Oh, this is FF14 by the way.

EDIT2: also, what do you call a murder hobo who has a house/apartment? They’re technically not hobos anymore at that point.


Murder home owner?

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It’s good to know that I’m not alone.


Some are more cursed than others.


It’s all frustrating, isn’t it?

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You got what you deserve. Madame Cuddlefish!

Sometimes I miss Fyne even though he would make really old references I’m probably too young to understand

But now I’ve taken over his old role. Lore citations can be whatever I want them to be.


Fyne was cool.

I miss him. I read an old thread and saw his withered goblin face and wept.
Telaryn is a worthy successor though.
There must always be one lore master!

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My biggest peeve atm is that there aren’t people for me to shout unsolicited Breton lore at like Diogenes

I only care for orcs. Orsimer 4 lyf.

walks quickly towards orsinium

Such a nice place. Much snow.
I miss my ESO orc :cry:

Tbh Orsinium is my favourite story DLC. I did a trip through Orsinium and through Druadach Mountains (using Peak of Sorrow as in-game stand in) to cross over to the Reach and into Skyrim

It was a really cool and wholesome soul searching adventure. A bit like Mr. Bean’s Holiday. An absolute classic.

I’m doing a spiritual sequel to that adventure to the Direnni Acropolis in Summerset this weekend with the same friend.


I feel the need to start over again, but I can’t really be bothered at the moment.
Also, there needs to be more base hair options. I demand hair, long beautiful hair!

I always wanted a medium bobbed hairstyle with the hair tucked behind the ear

And then they went and released it like absolute madmen. I’m happy, I got mine.

Yeah, but you’re a Breton…
Also, why do Argonians always look weird, no matter what game it is?! I like them as a race, but I can’t look at them for drawn out periods.

Their point is that they’re unnervingly different. Their biology is connected to eldritch hive mind trees that came down from space that revere an equally eldritch, possibly cosmic horror esque void god of death outside of time.

The Hist are the closest thing TES has to the Old Gods and Sithis is their Lord. The Argonians in this allegory are the Mantid. Qiraji or Nerubians, take your pick.

There’s also a lore book about how non-Argonians find them unsettling and difficult to read with their lack of facial expressions to interpret (they instead flare their spines and what have you) and their monotone voices are emotionless.

They are intentionally creepy

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They need more options for appearence!
But like I said, they’re a cool race.