Pet Peeve: The Undying

Peeve, and a confusing thing:
Benthic gear, normally it gives an effect that one could call somewhat useful in Nazjatar. Just got some legs on my pala, they make me 5% larger in the zone… Whut?

Also my favourite running gag in all of TES lore is how there isn’t a single in-universe foreigner scholar who believes Nordic oral traditions and they’re constantly :poop:ed on as being just myth and folklore

We see many cases of Nordic folklore being actually true but nobody believes them or takes it seriously.

The book about Alessia being the first Dragonborn acknowledges that yeah the Nords claim to have had Dragonborn for centuries at this point but who believes those savages.

And King Harald, 13th in the line of Ysgramor is considered to be the first historical High King of Skyrim by foreigners. Nobody believes Ysgramor and his descendants existed and that Harald is full of :poop:.

That kind of in-universe scholarly bias makes me happy. “You don’t know your own history because you idiots never wrote it down.”


They’d take nords more seriously if their pants made them 5% bigger.
I like Nords, not a fan of Red Guard.

Also one author in-universe likens Nordic oral tradition to rumour mongering by bored housewives at a Wayrest market.

Finally an arcane buff is inc.

Oh my… 8% buff. Didn’t know they’re this far behind.

Arcane explosion is incredibly meh, even with a buff. Needs that echo talent from Aluneth.

I’m still awake. Not slept. Feel like my eyes are glued open.

Arcane is my mage spec of choice and since BfA I haven’t touched my mage because of how meh they feel.

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Need something like Mark of Aluneth, Time and Space and maybe make Nether Tempest baseline to mildly help with the god awful AoE.

Blizzards patch appears to have broken things, with freezing on quest turn in, flickering and such affecting many people.

Blizzard, I know you’re a small indie company, but test your stuff. Small bugs I get but this sort of stuff seems like it really should have been caught/noticed.


It’s been driving me crazy. Blizard pls

I’ve picked up leveling my Night Elf druid from years gone by, and enjoying it so far. It’s been the class that’s always eluded me. Love the lore of them but just never clicked with their gameplay.

I hated how they changed balance druids to be all about solar and lunar abilities, where are my nature spells yo? I want insect swarm.

Gotta vape when i wake up so ok that’s a peeve but my cat just knocked my vaper off the table and shattered it… >_>

Good, don’t vape, it’s such a lame thing.

Peeve: I’ve gotten a cold again and my throat feels so bothersome.

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Ugh I’m addicted to it moreso than I was with cigs. I hate it and love it so much.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

My dishwasher has died. A memorial service will be held when I inevitably give up trying to fix it myself.

Edit: It has shown gurgling signs of life! Or… something between life and death at least.


I demand a remake of the Earthbound (Mother) games!

Major peeve: the two topics about cross realm sharding getting moved to this forum. Are we getting trolled?


I’ll go get a gryphon on my human hunter since she’s a stormwind guard and i like to have pets that follow a theme (so in her case, all the animals around the kingdom).

Find one, go to tame it; “you can’t tame hybrid beasts”

So now got to log onto Cro, suffer lagaran, buy a book, mail it to my other hunter, make sure I DON’T log Cro off anywhere on the Laggy isles, go back onto human, find a mail box, then finally go tame me a bird-cat.

EDIT: i am kicking myself for not having done this already.


Imagine you are Blizzard.

Imagine you change your philosophy from “how many subs we have” to “how much time people play ingame”.

Now imagine you drop a new patch that gives a micro lag every few seconds / on every quest turn in that gives people motion sickness due to the stutter and over all just having this annoying lag which causes people to not touch the game.