Pet Peeve: The Undying

Cat refused to eat all day so cooked him a chicken breast.

At least he’s eaten it (some of it, I’ll give him the rest tomorrow)

My family has become obsessed with oatmilk.

While it’s not terrible, I just prefer the real thing.

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It’s not real unless you drink it straight from the breast.


The heck is an oat?

I’d normally say something… Crude, but I shall avoid.

Ehm… I can’t give an opinion until I tried it. All the vegan/lactose free stuff just makes me recoil for some reason.

It tastes a bit like cold porridge on its own - my dad drinks it religiously.

I tend to drink soy milk since it lasts much much longer than cow’s milk so I don’t feel bad about buying a decent amount of it - plus it’s usually much sweeter which is my jam. Buying cow milk when you live alone feels awful because you throw so much of it away.


I mostly stopped drinking any liquid form of milk. It upsets my stomach for some reason.

I guess it’s true what they say that Humans don’t need it after a certain age.

I’ve never had a problem with this, as it happens. I can drink quite a lot if I feel like it, or need to get rid of some.

Exact other way around for me. I have chronic issues with stomach acid overproduction, causing heartburn or even gastric ulcers if I go without medicine too long. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt and especially ice cream are very soothing.

I don’t drink coffee or tea, which will make the big difference I suspect.

I don’t either. Tea just doesn’t interest me, and coffee I only drink when I have to - like when I have to get up especially early for some reason or other.

The dessert I wanted to buy from M&S was sold out.

I eat a lot of bananas and Greek yoghurt to help with my stomach pains. They big good vs acidity in my experience.

Damn, that sounds rough. You have my sympathies.

Without Bananas… I’m half a man.

I’ve always loathed bananas. I find them slimy and unappealing, and I simply cannot force myself to like them.

Which is a shame as they are healthy.

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Can you not buy smaller bottles, or the longer lasting type where you are?

What about dried bananas?

Failing that, do you find them more tolerable when put into a blender and made into a smoothie?

Grapes also help, then.

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This milk talk reminds me of when I was rly smitten for someone and when I went over to their house I found out that they only singularily drunk skimmed milk.

Why. Why on God’s green Earth, why?

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Nostalgia right thar…

Used to eat that in kindergarten, and I haven’t actually eaten it since…