That’s just white water.
Exactly, Distantpeak.
e x a c t l y
Le gasp!
The versatility of the Banana is hardly equalled! Wether it’s ripe or not, it has so many delicious uses. Fried, cooked, steamed, used for desserts and others…
You’re missing out.
You disgust me.
It just doesn’t do it for me, sadly.
Grapes are nice though.
While you can, they’re often roughly the same price as the larger bottles.
It’ll be £1 for 1 pint (just over 0.5L) and £1.75 for 4 pints (a little over 2L), which is a feelsbad moment.
(I have bought UHT milk in the past which is basically like absurdly long-life milk but soy milk is much easier to find in corner shops etc)
I take some with me when I go hiking and mix them in with some nuts and berries to serve as an easy snack to carry with me.
That isn’t very pragmatic of you… ;(
I didn’t mean UHT, which sounds like an infection. We have this bottled milk, that is long life. Seems pretty decent. I always get full fat though, cause love that creamy flavour.
The main benefit of milk is chocolate milk, whose existence to this day is one of the best arguments for religion.
Ultra Heat-Treated - basically like pasteurisation but more so. It keeps for about 10,000 years as long as it’s sealed, then as long as regular milk once it’s opened.
It tastes a little worse than regular milk but not massively so!
I’m more into banana milkshake these days.
You nasteh.
Oh, I know wh UHT. But it still sounds like an illness.
“Yeah, that’s Brian. Don’t go near him, riddled with UHT.”
That’s rude, you milk-racist. :v
I usually go with some sort of coffee based milkshake these days. Usually gelato based.
Does greek yogurt blend well with bananas? Or do you eat them separately? I’m thinking slicing up pieces of banana(s) and tossing them into the yogurt and just eating away.
Depends of your genetic! Lactose tolerance in adults developped in relatively few population (comparatively to the whole humanity that is).
Mutations in hmo sapiens (don’t ask me, hmo is censored apparently) is a pretty interesting stuff. For this one, what’s neat is that it developped independantly in several different population who had a lifestyle with herding, etc.
That map ain’t bad too.
Yoghurt and bananas is always a good option.
Ok I have a related peeve.
I cannot stand cheese. It also knocks me so sick. I just hate it. This makes life hard when going out to eat.