Pet Peeve: The Undying

NEVER! One of us!

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I’d be lying if I didn’t say same.

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Imagine wanting to be normal when you can be a raging psychopath that likes to stab trees with a fork.

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change character, log out, back in, change back, log out/in again for good measure.

worked for me.

So I’ve been playing D&D for almost a year now, and there’s one thing I miss in WoW RP compared to tabletop RPGs: the DM’s voice as a binding authority on the world.

In WoW RP, we’re limited by Blizzard’s lore, which can lead to bizarre situations that are impossible in a tabletop game: ones where I can’t possibly know something that my character logically world know. For example, what exactly does a night elf woman’s right of passage entail? I don’t know, even though my character would know that, since she had markings at some point!

The lack of an authoritative DM also leads to some awkward situations where I’m expected to describe what happens, but feel I don’t have the authority to do. For example, there was a time when we experimented with Shadowmeld. Shuang asked Lintian to shadowmeld and then placed a book on top of her head. What happens in this case? Am I really allowed to decide that? I mean, I’m not the DM, there’s no DM! Argh!


His presentation is not very far off most other depictions of other gnomes, I’m sorry to say.

Which ones?

I don’t remember names, but:

WotLK: A drunk gnome perfects the Blight (yes, that Blight) and murders a Vykrul prisoner with it. Zero remorse or accountability shown.

Cataclysm: A mechanic miniaturises a steam tank, which drives into a guard tower and kills 3 or 4 human workers. The only reply is ‘I should mention I reversed the gears to accommodate the smaller form factor’. No remorse shown.

When gnomes kill people they don’t give so much as an ‘oops’.

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I can kinda blame this on that according to the lore, gnomes are basically hardwired to be forward-thinking and not reflect on the past misstakes over than “Okay that didn’t work!”


So like… 3 in total, and the Vrykul was an enemy so who cares.

But Tinkmaster is a gigantic a**hat, not just due to no remorse, but he thinks he’s the best and hottest sh*t around.

Meanwhile Gila, his assistant is amazing. I love her!

There are very few gnomes who aren’t minor characters to go on, but it’s a pretty consistent pattern. If your invention kills people, shrug your shoulders, chalk it up to the price of progress and carry on.

I don’t like her either, because she believes everything he says and is so gullible…

If that’s the goal, perfection.

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Hey, I’m not judging here - just saying that Overspark is 100% consistent with the brief

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As of Elegy, anything a character feels has left a substantial mark on them. They also don’t need a rite of passage to get markings.

Anyway, actual peeve? With the decision to boycott Blizzard some people are making, everyone is crawling out of the woodwork to advertise the games they enjoy. It takes a matter of seconds to find out those developers are also in bed with Chinese corporations that work directly for their government - either partnered with, in an alliance with, distributed by, etc.
It seems extremely ironic in a depressing way that people are recommending bootlickers because we’re not happy with other bootlickers.

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Because nearly everything has roots in China now.

If they want to boycott Blizzard they’d have to go live in a mudhut somewhere isolated and devoid of civilization. Like the North.

But nobody wants to give up their iPhones, their clothes, their computers…

love… whatever this is. monopoly isn’t the right word

love colossal webs of corporate ownership and influence

that’s not as catchy

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Speaking of monopolies…

I just recalled the time I started a draenei guild on the Venture Co. While advertising the guildi got whispers from the GM of another draenei guild telling me to basically cease and desist because draenei were rather few on the server and I was damaging the draenei community by making competition.

In hindsight I should have stubbornly kept going. But I was on my way off that server anyway and the guild i was advertising was a last ditch effort to give me a reason to stay.