Pet Peeve: The Undying

My alt can’t get to mechagon e_e

It’s not like it takes long to do the dull quests. But they need a skip tbh.

Did all te quests etc, faction changed. No FP, no quests etc :frowning:

I did that. Turns out I had to run over to the island. It was “fun”

… I’mma just ask a GM for the FP or something LOL

Rafaam is honestly one of my favourite Blizzard characters, his over the top villiany is just wonderful.

Worgen druid bear form has no eyes, just (LAZILY) spray-painted eye sockets.

The cat form however does have real eyes.



Blizzard expended all of their good villains too quickly and have been scraping the barrel for a while. The fact that they mitigated Azshara to pretty much a single patch and her appearance in 7.3 is such a waste.

They are really struggling to pull convincing bad guys off that aren’t playing on nostalgia.

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Oh the horror.

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Actually I take it back, they didn’t expend them too quickly. It’s just that WoW has been going so long that they had to spread them thin.

When they “have” to make every villain more world threatening than the last, it gets a little silly.


Add this to that one for comparison between these weirdly different levels of detail for models that I can only presume were made at the same time.

They kinda missed that one with MoP. Lei Shen was far more dangerous than Garrosh.


Can’t wait to find out who the big bad behind the Void Lords is.

Wait, it was the Draenei all along? unbelievable

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Or they can just create new characters instead of relying on the ones from existing lore. MoP was received pretty well and was based on nothing. Even Pandaren turned from a Warcraft 3 gag into a playable race.

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Is that a druid demon hunter with the eyes missing? New hero class confirmed, cool.

Can’t wait for the Malfurion/Illidan fusion that was always destined in order to tackle the next big bad.

Woah wait, the next big bad is Tyrande? Wow

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MoP is the one exception really for final bosses.

Kel’thuzad->Illidan->Lich King->Deathwing->Garrosh (powerdown)->Archimonde->Argus->N’zoth

Except for Garrosh it’s a fairly straight power curve up of final bosses imho. Yeah maybe Deathwing is bigger than Archimonde but hey-ho, close enough yeah.

I liked Lei Shen, shame he wasnt final boss with more build-up.

Hit me up with an expansion where it turns out that kobolds have been digging so deep into the earth and making so many tunnels that the ground is unstable beneath major cities and towns and things start to fall apart. Nowhere is safe.

They told us not take their candles, we did, and now their long plan for revenge has finally paid off. The Kobold King rises to bring our kingdoms into his own.

Now there is a power creep for you.

EDIT: Going to steal Elenthas’ expansion name this one, The Collapse is just too appropriate.