Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

Customization options for height plz.

That said, I get the feeling even that wouldn’t stop some people stacking it with the Growth Pot.

Do you ever think about those friends you’ve met online years ago who never logged on again? What their lives are like now? What happened to them?

About ten years ago, I met a cool German girl of my age in RuneScape. She was interested in making RSMVs since they were huge by the time and I helped her plan them. Even participated in a few, even if 13 year old us sucked at it. But it was innocent fun and she eventually broke 1000 views and I was so excited for her, my friend was making it big.

I stopped hearing from her around 2010. Last thing I remember was that she had swine flu but said she’s fine and no need to worry, she’s already in recovery. I sometimes think about her and what happened. Her old YouTube channel showed activity in 2013 so I imagine nothing bad.

If you somehow ended up reading this Skyler9234, hit me up on discord


Damn, now that’s scary! :sweat_smile: Now I’m tempted to level a KT druid to 80 just for that mog.

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Miss my homebro Slifaque. First friend I made in Wow, both poor, both huntards who thought they could take on the world with just having our pets tanking all the way across Azeroth.
Haaaaa, good times.

Yes. I had a good friend about 10 years ago with a genetic heart condition, had had a half dozen heart attacks by her 18th birthday. We fell out of touch but are still friends on steam. She’s not logged on in 3 years.

I don’t want to look into it for fear of what I’d find out.

I did some backpacking in my youth, and I met some cool people.
Earlier this year I saw on facebook that one of them had died (no cause disclosed) and another had committed suicide.
It’s a very weird feeling, actually.

Not in any rush for more of it.

My main RP partner during my early WoW years in Vanilla was a Night Elf female, we met in a guild and she was very influential in making my time enjoyable and helping me develop my character. We were inseparable.

When I moved over to the US servers at the tail end of Vanilla, we fell out of touch, but when I reappeared and made a character on Argent Dawn not long after Cataclysm was announced, she found me and whispered me because I was using the same character name.

It was totally bizarre, but also really encouraging to be able to make contact like that again. We RP’d for a short while and rolled some new characters together as we had done in Vanilla. We fell out of touch again after that and I haven’t seen her since, but that friendship was significant enough that I think back on it a lot.


Sometimes, yeah. A few I still have the phone number of, but I don’t really dare calling. “Eh, what’s up with you? You don’t remember me, we played that online game together like twelve years ago?” (Or even older than that, before I started WoW.)
A few, I am still loosely in contact with and I am grateful for that.

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Still glad I met the likes of Vixi and a few others that I still play with most days!

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I remember during WoD doing arenas with this Nepalian Danish migrant. He played holy pala, I played prot warrior. We got to 2k despite using no comms (he couldn’t rly talk english save for few simple sentences).

After a few months he told me he was going to see his family in Nepal and I wished him well.

About half-a-week after his departure Nepal was struck by the really catastrophic earthquake you might remember from news at that time. So my first thought was whether he was ok or not.

About half a year passed before the guy logged back on and I was like dude holy crap I thought yoy had died and he wad like yeah he was in hospital their home was destroyed and he’d been helping out his family back to their feet before coming back.

We celebrated by playing some arenas. 2 weeks later both of us got mad st eachother over a lost arena game and he deleted me from bnet and I ignored him.

The duality of man.


Been watching the His Dark Materials series that’s been on TV recently in the UK, not sure if I dig it or not. It’s considerably better than the movie they did, but there are some really questionable choices with the order they portray events.

It’s been a long while since I read the books, but it confused the hell out of my wife who had recently read the first one but in the show they are showing events that happen in the second one.

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I’d not focus too much on that.
So long as there’s still logic in it, and a clear beginning, middle and end, it’ll be fine.
I just want Iorek Byrnison to show, I like bears.

I try not to worry about it.

The main thing is that since my wife hadn’t read the second book yet, it’s almost a spoiler. The other thing is:


The impact of Asriel crossing into another world at the end of Northern Lights, which is the big reveal/cliffhanger, is pretty boring and lame if Boreal is doing it every episode to go and have coffee with someone on our Earth.

The only positive I can see is the early teasing and introduction to Will Parry, who comes out of left field at the beginning of The Subtle Knife. It’s an easier introduction to who the character is.

Hyped for my boy Iorek though.

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Has anyone watched that Britannia on sky? Any good? Might have to whip out the old eye patch and peg leg if it’s worth it

Watched season 1, which I enjoyed. If you have nothing to watch and are looking for something, I’d say go for it.

I should reread them. Or audiobooks. Anyone know if they’ve got a good audiobook?

I know Amazon had it, narrated by Pullman.

Yeah the Pullman narration is good, it has a full cast of people for the characters as well.

If you don’t have an account, you can get a trial and listen to them for free too :ok_hand:t2: