Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

The cat and I have a disagreement on his new feeding times.

He’s trying to argue with me right now over it.

EDIT: He’s using his squeaky voice now.


Cartman cat. “But moooooooom!!!


I’m… Highly tempted to buy Darksiders Genesis.

Money ain’t tight anymore but still too little… It’s within my usual purchase range of 30 euros and would be a nice way of waiting money next week.

The duality of man… Yet ultimately I don’t need the game. I do need to eat though.

At least wait while the end of the month for xmas/january sales.

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Makes sense.

I’m gonna have to dodge spoilers for a while. It’s the first Darksiders game I intend to buy, mostly because the game play and Diablo like Overview of the models is a play style I enjoy.

I keep tabs on the Darksiders universe but don’t touch the games cuz they seem overly boring and repetitive.

Can’t wait for Baldur’s Gate III. The fact Larion are doing it suggests the Campaign Maker in it might revolutionize DnD online. Imagine if you could just boot up a core 5e game, shove in dialogue and event triggers and create something within the game engine from scratch? That would be a dream come true.



He’s nowhere near that fat though.

Just old and eating too much too fast and throwing up later in the evening.

Hype is real. If it’s got an evolution on the DOS2 editor then heck yes.

Unrelated peeve: If you close a tab on firefox, you can right click on an existing tab (or the little + sign) to “undo close tab”. This I like. In Chrome, you have to not right click a tab (but you can do the little + sign) to undo close tab.

Why can’t you guys just standardise.

Fix’d it. :3

I hate what i drew today.

And what’s further weird is the picture taken from it, makes it look… Weird.

I actually restarted BG2 again because of said hype. Cavalier Paladin this time. Every time Aerie opens her mouth I want her dead but dayum if she isn’t a combat effective mousey little elf.

I lost my wings do you want to hear about it?

Uhhh yeah sure but just before you harp on about it for the umpteenth time can you disintegrate those bandits?

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Powerful protag choice. Gimme that Carsomyr. :weary:

I like Aerie as a romance option. ToB stuff included.

I just wish there were more dialogue options to shoot down romance without being a massive tool to them. My last playthrough I was on the verge of Jaheira romance just by picking the “not a dick” options, and had to go out of my way to be rude to shut it down (which IMMEDIATELY triggered the next stage of her personal quest).

Oh well, 20 year old game, it’s definitely better these days…right?

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That is most definitely NOT fine in my book. Companies who do this are the worst.

Oh yeah I mean the Outer Worlds totally was the best RPG this year wasn’t it? I was completely invested in those characters I met for all of 5 minutes and then left on the ship to rot and fight against each other. I was exceptionally impressed by their own side missions that totally didn’t involve “go here shoot this” exclusively and raidroad you into bad decisions.

Actually that’s my Peeve. Outer Worlds is a boring game. It’s just boring.

Outer Worlds was good but not GOTY material like some people who are mad at Bethesda want it to be. It was made by a skeleton crew of devs as a side project ffs!!

Fallen Order, on the other hand… good stuff. Good stuff.

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I meant in the sense of being refused the job. To be told “Sorry sir, you weren’t what we were looking.” or something akin to that, I’m not entitled to a job.

What I feel entitled to though is a bloody answer. It takes one inconsiderate bastard to forget that other candidates are holding onto the hope of being employed and you don’t even have the decency of at least sending them an email (Effing hell you could just copy paste it or send it to those multiple address.) telling them you’ve been rejected.

They are indeed the worst.


I didn’t understand. Why did I take that time designing that character, only for it to be a first person game?!

I like how 10-20 years ago we had games that were defining and creating new genres. The original Doom series, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, Quake, Unreal Tournament, classic WoW, Silent Hill, Warcraft, Dungeon Keeper and many others.

Now take a look at games today. Every shooter looks the same, many story games are utter oof and then you get abominations like Fallout 76.

Can you imagine in 20 years people will say “Remember Fallout 4? Now that was a great game!”? Because I sure as hell can’t.

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We literally got the strand genre this year what are you talking about