Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

My arms ache.

Dragged a suitcase’s worth of groceries home. Suitcase has wheels but still, it was heavy.

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As long as you made it in one trip, that’s all that matters.

I did yes.

I think I can get some slack though since I have arthritis in my right shoulder and left hand.

I am very slowly climbing my way up to 1.8K…

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If I transmog my weapon into one of the more interactive artefact weapons (e.g. Xal’atath), will I get said interactions (e.g. Xal’atath’s whispers) as well?



Turned my Inquisitor into a Knight-Enchanter like Elenthas suggested (read: pressured). God this build is OP


Legion stuff gonna be legacy. Prepare for mog runs. Either if you prefer normal and want to do it ASAP, or prefer legacy.


This… Puts one heck of a smile on my face. My shaman and Monk can finally complete their sets.

A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

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Yesss. Legion has some incredible sets worth farming.

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Awh, wish it had come sooner. Already have all the Legion transmogs. :frowning:

But I’m glad that others can now get them faster, instead of relying on the personal loot! Go get them, tigers!

Yeah you’re welcome.


Knight-Enchanter is a poor man’s Arcane Warrior imho, but still cool.

Don’t make me boot up Inquisition again I swear to god I have no interest in doing Hinterlands again and then getting burnt out and not playing any further.

It had been a while since I had updated my Nvidia drivers (pls don’t judge me) but I saw the Nvidia control panel these days is a separate download from the Windows Store in stead of included with the installation.


Steam tells me that Greedfall’s on sale atm, 40% off. That’s apparently pretty dragon-age-y and has good reviews. Could try that instead.

I kinda miss running old raids for gold, because the gear would sell quite well even if it was complete trash.

Also if they are so hellbent on doing all old content raids using the legacy setting, they should remove non-moggable items such as ring,s necks & trinkets. Or atleast let you toggle them away.


If that means we in stead get more moggable pieces, then agreed.


You mean you don’t like killing a boss and getting three artifact relics with no other loot?



I know, I’m crazy!