Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

We are recruiting it is true :sunglasses:


Its been on my mind to sign up, but I am unsure if I can be active in two guilds at once.

You don’t have to do that for forum links.

50% of my posting has turned into dabbing on you. What’s going on, Dreadbore?

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Onto a peeve; when you’ve played so long with either the saw cleaver or saw spear that you get taken offguard when you start a character with the hunter axe.

The waiting queues for any FFA match in Overwatch have reached ridiculous proportions…

Blizzard clearly wants more esports out of it than actually making the game alive. OW 2 I bet ain’t coming until late 2021 or 2022.

Time to go get pancaked by a bag man.

Pros; get to go to Yahar’gul early.

Cons; have to deliberately die to one

It’s excellent early game farm though, and they’re good for practicing parry timings. Better than the lantern-cane dudes imho.

my road to 1.8k has been thwarted by lower rated ppl dragging mine down :frowning:

hate pugs man

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no, no, they are exceptional for practicing parrying, hence my earlier peeve about none being around once I got Augur.

Just HAVE to die to go there.

EDIT: my other favourite parrying mobs are the brick trolls.

In other Bloodborne news; going to attempt Amelia with a +3 Hunter’s Axe. Not because I can’t upgrade it more, but because I want to save my shards for the Whirligig Saw which I plan to get the minute she’s dead.

Wish me luck guys!


Influx of Asmorons is making the lag worse…

Although I don’t believe much that statement above since it’s been pretty bad already.

I believe in you. Well, enough at least.

Just gotta find that one nice pug who doesn’t quit after a few losses, that’s just making it go so slow. :pensive:

Peeve: soloed Nighthold Heroic on my DK…

Instead, nearly all of the pieces of the HUNTER set dropped, instead of DK/ what I wanted.

Never change

Wisdom teeth… Gum… Mild pain.

Slept away the entire day because I played Bannerlord all night long. Again. :sweat:

Got my whirligig saw to +7!

Now to go do Hemwick… at night!

Also, gosh i miss being able to one shot with a parry. Pure Strength build for whirligig (and boom hammer) is going to be fab, but boy do I miss having 30 skill.