Pet Peeve: Wrath of the 20K Post Cap

I may never feel hype like this again in my life. I will savour it like Denethor savours his meals.

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Volume 14 of Overlord Light Novel isn’t available yet and we’re already in April… This displeases me greatly.

Damn who are all these new characters?

lol Red XIII with the sick burn


god the hype is real

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uh wtf Argus is completely falling apart or something (figuratively in addition to literally)

NPCs despawning and respawning at different places everywhere

guess the place is doing even worse than it looks

Blood DKs are looking at you very confused right now… :confounded:

Altho on a related note, whenever I’m tanking and my health drops below 50%, I’m immediately going “oh darn, did I pull too much? Am I doing my rotation wrong? Am I supposed to use my big CDs on this? AM I BEING A BAD TANK?!”

Just use CDs and don’t panic about it.

when my health drops below a certain threshhold, I’m like; “oh crap, time for a CD!”

I perfer it when the tank heals themselves, and use their armor boosts abilities, not because I am easily distracted and someone can die in the span of like 1sec but because sometimes when I have a unaware tank, I become locked to healing that guy, and it is a major problem when the rest of the team don’t understand that the fire on the ground hurts.

I am so done leveling as a healer, how don’t you main healers out there die of stress?

“Its not my fault if you’re too stupid to move from the fire on the ground”

“I’ve explained tactics, if you don’t want to do the tactics, you can die”

“i’m not wasting my mana on you”

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I see, I am in fact to nice to play healer.
tank I can sort of do without pulling my hair out, but healer yeah I am just gonna learn what I can for walking in their shoes and use it to be a better dps.

I’m confrontational when healing, i have got completely horrid groups through dungeons before on my druids (my main healer) and therefore know my stuff.

I don’t think my stint in LoL playing support tempered very well because now i am extra IDGAF about people not doing tactics.

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I mean I call them out when they do really stupid stuff but only if the majority don’t seem to comprehend the layout or mystical workings of the bosses
I know where the high damaging mobs are and can sort of preper for it except when the tank is stupid and insist on moving out of sight or when the dps think that spinning guy with his big axe is harmless. I am extra careful however because at the moment people are more than trigger happy with the group kicks.
But I am just gonna grind my teeth, hope I survive the stress and then learn how to better support as a dps.
already I try to spell lock casters that shoot at the tank from range, or death grip if I play a dk and they use guns/bows
I am not below healing the healer if they are being attacked or even taunt the mob attacking them, if the tank doesn’t
all in all I try to be as little of a annoyance to my team as possible.

if you’re playing a healer, group kicks don’t matter, you’ll get into another group near ASAP.

Just don’t worry about it and do you.

Also, just because I’m confrontational, doesn’t mean I don’t know when something WAS my fault. I’m happy to apologise for mistakes I make.

But I’m not having some DPS who refuses to stack on Lokan’s backside be passive aggressive with me over why he didn’t get healed when I told him before we pulled that he needed to stack.

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Don’t get me wrong I am hyper aware of my own mistakes, and will take the L if I make one, but maybe I should learn from your example and be more forward, maybe it will make it less of a pain in the behind to level a healer.

Square Enix has been promoting a few of them recently. Most of them are Don Corneo’s lackeys, but I also recognised what I think to be Johnny who is the weird red haired dude who lives in Sector 7 and hangs out outside Honeybee Manor.

Some real interesting moments in that trailer though. What’s going on with my boy Barret getting masamune all up in his gut.

Also Rufus <3

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Brace for impact, I guess?

I’m guessing a few here and there, orc wolf riders, human knights and somehow vikings. Then it sort of fizzles due to WoW not accomodating mounted combat and you footslog it like every other guild, losing the flair.

On the bright side we might see an increase in merc guilds, warbands and the like, which wouldn’t be so bad for the few that can stick around.

Those are okay if they’re actually mercenaries. All too often it’s like any other military company or noble entourage without certain baggage.

Just once I’d want to see amiable sword brothers fighting each other because of conflicting loyalties and the enemy just having a heftier sack of coin. I guess it’s hard to be a merc if you have a reputation of fighting for the opposite faction, though.

It all boils down to competence and reliability, having enemies outbid each other knowing you probably won’t change sides. I’m guessing pillaging a town for supplies and “bonus” wages would turn people off, too.

At least you’d be negotiable allies and reasonable foes.

I would love it if guilds playing that angle became more popular, and other guilds hiring them for their services in campaigns, doesn’t even had to hire the entire guild, just say, “hey X merc guild can we ehh have 5-10 of your lads to join us in this expedition we need the extra hands”
that would be top gochi, but i doubt it could happen

It’d be terrific but the foundation needs to be in place for such a recruitment pool to exist in the first place and that in turn demands that the merc guilds don’t turn into yet another military guild.

Funny how it isn’t more common with all these landless lordaeron nobles and expats going around with no marketable skills but their sword arm and integrity.


it is an easy pit to fall into

the virgin military guild:

  • fights for their faction.
  • uses a standard uniform
  • does formation training
  • have to follow standard military rules
  • recruits commoners.

chad merc guild:

  • recruits everyone from all walks of life
  • outfits you with whatever they can afford and whatever you have
  • fights for which ever faction pays them, and only for as long as they are paied
  • have a reputation to maintain as to make sure they don’t lose business
  • don’t have to follow loser military rules