Don’t worry I am sure before long, you’ll get them too, along with some plastic surgery options and more than likely some awesome looking piercings and tattoos, as well as an in-game goblin tanning salon.
really glad to not be lightforged so I can indulge in all the new customisations.
really great time to not be touched by the light
Pet Peeve: Moderators forcing the community to be polite and courteous to known predators while doing nothing about them.
THAT in ten characters.
Now, I’m not that well versed in the lore in Classic WoW, but Scarlet Crusaders in Duskwood doesn’t seem right to me.
What is this ‘lore’ you speak of?
Ridiculous though it was, I have to admit I somewhat miss the incredible stat upgrade your items used to get when you started levelling in Mount Hyjal.
At the same place the Old War3 is.
What’s Blizzard doing in my commode?
My peeve at the moment is hearing about the in-depth emote system ESO has, compared to WOW
They made /kowtow an emote. Ain’t no one got nothing on TES: O’s emotes.
the best emote in an mmo is actually this
Just found out the original Jade Witch is under a new name, of which I can’t find out but if he shows his face im pasting his old erp logs
Peeve: Malygos, Aspect of Magic in Hearthstone has way too low a mana cost, attack and health compared to other Aspects — and even to his own classic version, the only Aspect to get different stats in Descent of Dragons.
I understand they did it for balance reasons, but they could have instead named the Kalecgos card “Malygos, Aspect of Magic” and vice versa. That way both Malygoses would have been 4/12 and would still have been magic-themed.
Teso and FFXIV have pretty dedicated and indepth emote systems compared to WoW for sure!
I once met one aswell and my character acted as if it was a travelling member from a circus. It was honestly quite hilarious.
XIV was the first to do proper head tracking, and still does it better. Characters actually appear to be looking at people, even shifting their eyes, body and even emotes accordingly. WoW just sort of tilts the head and leaves it at that.
At least WoW fixed the boob staring it had originally?
Peeve: The bnet app keeps trying to give me heart attacks by switching to a random wow account each time I launch the app, saying ‘subscription expired’. I have a bunch of unused ones from back when I DMed NPCs and mooks way back in the day.
“My eyes are up here!”
“I’ve made my choice.”
I begun watching Tiger King on Netflix and this is the wildest stuff I think I’ve seen in years. The show just keeps ramping up the insanity episode by episode! I thought the show was insane in the first episode but now all that happened in it is freaking lame and tame!