Pet Peeve: Wrath

I’m a hair’s breadth away from going full OOC with my character names even if it is technically against server rules.

I’m so sick of having to spend hours in character creation trying to find a name that isn’t taken. The rule always was more a guideline anyway.


Was playing a bit of Persona 5 yesterday as I often do after work. My daughter toddles over to me with a Switch game in her hands that she must have taken from the shelf, and tries to offer it to me.

It’s Fire Emblems: Three Houses. Excellent game, but I finished it and I’m busy right now. I decline the offer but thank her for her consideration.

She then takes my hand, forcibly removes it from the controller and replaces it with the game. For context, she’s never done anything close to something like this before.

What could it mean bros? Do I have to go back to Fódlan?

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Listen to your little lady!

She obviously knows what is best for you.


Damn I forgot how hard the battle music slaps in that game.

I would genuinely consider going back to it if my wife hadn’t basically taken full control of the Switch for Animal Crossing. Which is fine with me.

I don’t know Vixi, she does often try to feed me crumbs from the floor and I’m pretty sure that isn’t best for me.


It’s to help you build a stronger immune system, duh.


My niece has recently discovered the idea of giving things to people.

She finds it hilarious.

So i end up sat next to a pile of items ranging from shoes to TV remotes. All while she’s living the dream.


It’s pretty fun, yeah.

She’s going through a great learning phase at the moment. She’s how learned to stack blocks, albiet really badly and without any sense of balance, how to put things back into their container, how to animation cancel to make her attacks more efficent in ES:O and how to give me items insead of just taking them.

It’s a great time.


Twitter’s got a functionality to mute words/tags/phrases so they won’t show up on your timeline, which is nice.

What’s less nice is that it doesn’t work if you search something directly, so say I mute the word “bananas” because I really just do not wish to engage with any banana-related content, and seeing it makes me physically sick. If I then search “apples” so I can get some sweet apple fanart or see my favourite apple x pear ship, I might still get banana related content even though I muted it.

Seems dumb. Seems bad. Don’t like it. Take the appnana ship away. I do not wish to see it.

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Speaking of Twitter. It’s interesting to see the developing grudge match between them and old Donny Trump.

I just read that they’ve hidden one of his tweets for glorifying violence, which after how hard he kicked off when they put a fact check message next to one of them I can’t wait to see what he responds with this time.

If twitter ends up being deleted, we all win.


Just wish that Donald was posting to Instagram as well :pensive:

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Small brain: Artifact power
Big brain: Azerite power
Galactic brain: Anima power
Universe brain: Anime power



Twitter swallowed the blackpill and attempted to enforce a libra of truthfullness on a private platform.

What could go wrong. At least Facebook just admitted that supervising billions of posts is not feasible.

haha yeah

she should give me your credit card number, the expiration date, and the three numbers on the back. that’d really help her live the dream. she’d be so happy. do it for her


My nephew’s at the point where he’s now trying to explain why he finds these things he found interesting, but he lacks the vocabulary to fully articulate it yet so instead he points at the items a lot and goes “Look! Look.” and “Ohhh!” in excitement and trying to use his limited word range to get the point across.


This but 100% unironically, nothing good has come from Twitter aside from Makiniarts’ hot takes on wow lore.


Twitter is ugly and cluttered and a mess of a site. Maybe that’s why mister president uses it…

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i use twitter to follow and support artists and to check when their commissions open :frowning:

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