Pet Peeve: Wrath

He had food!

I simply draw the line at feeding him on the sofa. So he has to get up and go eat it.

Warmode is the biggest letdown in BfA for me apart (maybe even on par with the story)


Attempted a thread in general but of course the galaxy brain solution provided is ‘just don’t turn it on’.


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AD has a big enough population on our own to the point that we shouldnt even have to be synced with other realms, -at all-(Not even the former rp ones) unless we activly queue up in the group finder or something.


Agreed. We should ask the devs to do that, tbh. It’s not like syncing up with the other realms do anything to fix the imbalance, all it does is to give us more faceless OOCers we will never have meaningful interaction with (if we meet them more than once at all).


It also makes current content areas even more difficult to roleplay in than it already is with our regular server OOC population.

Going into Boralus just as normal, 90% of the people are from DB, then a few other realms, and only a handful are from AD, and even less of them have TRP profiles(Even when they are OOC) that isnt meme-y/straight up goldshire ones.

Does anybody know a good PS2 emulator?

Some of the streamers i watch are playing Silent Hill because Pyramid Head is coming to Dead by Daylight and i want in on that action.

For PC, you’re limited to pretty much just PCSX2 - but that’s fine, because it’s very good and has a robust wiki which covers most titles (it’ll definitely have the Silent Hills) and any individual settings you want to adjust for them.

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PSY announced Gangnam Style 2

edit: oops this isn’t the pet delights


Thank you!

I’ll look it up.

Peeve: DeviantArt is not loading for me, giving 403 errors.

You’ll need to download a bios separately as well but it’s not too hard to find!

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Cat food has gone up in price.

its nearly 60 quid.

How much are you buying (and what’re you buying - kobe beef steak??) for it to be that much?

4 boxes of 12 and its nature’s menu cat food because cat is old and on a special diet.

EDIT: if i knew the vet was open, I’d bus it down there and pick it up from them.

Ah, yeah, that’d do it. Sucks.

I’d pay up to 50 quid for it normally, but it really didn’t need 10 more quid added to it.

Jesus Christ.


When people in one of your RP guilds start defending ERP, including possible ERP with minors.

‘Why is it so bad?’

Burn it all down.


Burn them down, and salt the earth so nothing new grows.

It’s soon the 6 year anniversary of when Ghorek and I dismantled the Huojin Guard and slaughtered (figuratively) ERPers to the point the entire racial RP scene of Huojin pandaren died and didn’t recover for several years. No dedicated Pandaren guild would last until Ronin came to be few years later in 2018(?).

For those who weren’t around at the time, it involved ERP with not only minors, but child characters as well. and they used to Shonn every new character they recruited into their umbrella guild to solicite ERP by peer pressure. Ghorek and I exposed them and the entire guild disbanded and their alts were kicked out of other guilds, and many of them left the server after they became social pariahs.

“Why not go to Alliance?” Because Huojin Guard was made up of the remnants of Empire of Shaohao, the notorious ERP Guild which initially gave Pandaren such a bad reputation on Argent Dawn. Huojin Guard was their last attempt before being driven to the hills.

The Huojin Apocalypse. My contribution to combating ERP.