Pet Peeve: Wrath

:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

I picked up Fire Emblem again after you spoke about it. Doing a GD route but even so, Edelgard is still 100% in the right.

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No. The only time tracing is a valuable tool it’s as training, to understand how the object works. (And it’s not supposed to be pretty tracing, you sketch above to get how the hell is that arm bent, or other point.)


Without naming, I saw some art that looked familiar and realised it is a stock photo reference - well, I put it into photoshop and it’s a trace. I asked AA staff about it and they said it’s fine (several weeks ago mind you) and just left it at that. But that art scammer made me wonder.

Claude wants to do what Edelgard wants to do, except he’s slower off the starting line. Took too long laying his plans and not enough time executing them.

I appreciate how no one calls him an imperialist even though

Spoiler I guess

he’s a foreign prince infiltrating a country with the intention of gaining political power so he can then invite his home country’s army in and take control to rule as supreme leader.

Claude also did nothing wrong, but he did it slower and less sexy than Edelgard.

That’s Tremblade bro

Edelgard also doesn’t use child soldiers. . .


The rate at where Blizzard deletes topics voiced by a concerned community, providing evidence of ToS breaches and endangering of minors.
Theyre watching, but not caring.
Someone ought to sue em for neglect.

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I have a feeling that the one that started the topic won’t be heard from for a while. Very likely got a silence or ban.

I’m sure this is just me feeling petty, but I’ve come to dislike that to a lot of people it seems that bard is synonymous with musician. A bard, as far as my understanding goes, is primarily a poet who performs their poetry spoken out loud, perhaps to musical accompaniment, but not that is not necessary. If your character performs music, but doesn’t write poetry or lyrical songs themselves, then simply describing them as a musician or minstrel, for example, is perhaps more accurate.

In fairness I don’t blame people for thinking this since the influence of D&D has distilled the idea of a bard to a lot of people into what is essentially a sassy musician with some kind of medieval instrument. Describe your character as you like obviously but I’m still going to be nitpicky about it.


They’ll rise again, as always.

I’m not even sure why this company thinks it’s so smart to literally silence people… At one point the kettle will explode anyway :eyes:… Costing them more money.

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And that is when they will close the RP servers.

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You should be careful what you say.

Arguing against moderation decisions is seen as dissent and our esteemed forum moderators are not the most forgiving bunch.

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The new forum avatar is an elf! Perfect.

When are you going to create more RP guides? Like the ones put up by Mion back in the days.


I wanted some ideas on how to describe a crime scene for one of my games (things to draw attention to and the like) and a quick google gave me what I assume is a university task which gave a brief overview of a (probably hypothetical) murder.

The task posed a question of whodunnit but then failed to provide enough information to actually deduce the answer. It noted that the murder weapon (a glass bottle) had two different blood samples but then didn’t identify who the blood belonged to making it impossible before you got to the answers section, at which point it confirmed that the blood belonged to one of the suspects and therefore they did it.

Like yeah no :poop: , turns out crime investigating is really easy once you’ve got direct DNA evidence on the murder weapon and a matching wound on the guy’s hand. Really making the brain work overtime on that one.

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We should’ve made a bank robbery gang back in the 30s and made a spectacle about it

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Peeve: That Shadowlands seems to still not do anything about warmode.

I have complained a lot about warmode before - its rewards being excessive, world PvP just being a stupid gankfest, and so on - but the single biggest issue is that it totally kills off the realm community for you while out there. I am doing my daily WQ rounds now, and while in Kul Tiras I accidentally forgot to turn on WM.

And guess what, not only did I meet a lot more people, they were all from AD, some even from guilds I recognised. Meanwhile in WM meeting people is rarer and if you do meet anyone it’s almost never from AD - just DFB, Moonglade, or realms that are not even tagged RP at all.

Losing out on what amounts to a free 25% bonus feels real bad, but not getting to play on my goshdarn realm feels bad too.


Somebody was wondering where his food was;


Feed this cat. Look at that face…