Pet Peeve: Wrath

your comments got deleted too.

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I know, I saw. They didnt even leave a notification on it either.

They are mental!

i’m so sorry.

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That’s not even the craziest part. The craziest part is what sounds like a paranoid conspiracy but here it is:

  1. Aside from these two latest suspensions, my only other 2 previous ones were all by the same GM/Mod, I know this because back then at both times they also signed/closed their post with their GM/mod name.
  2. Looking in my ticket history, all of my wow related tickets, be it forum or otherwise has since then also been anwsered by the same GM/Mod. Every time.
  3. Ever since things kicked off with he-who-shall-not-be-named, every ticket response has been extremly dismissive and blunt no matter the subject, also by the same gm/mod always. And in the latest one I got a reply from,which was an appeal, quite personal and very straight up lied to me about a couple of things before dismissivly saying that he wouldnt talk to me anymore(after 1 ticket on that topic).
  4. Following that last ticket, I left a poor survey on him, and ever since then, ALL of my tickets, regardless of topic, has been closed without response after roughly a day.

That is crazy.

People like that really shouldn’t be mods.

  1. I forgot, said GM has also gone back and retroactivly edited both what I said, and he said in several tickets when I checked my ticket history. I also have proof of this since the ticket that got me to report him in the survey, I kept logs off.
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That is so crazy.

its like they have a vendetta

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My guess has been that Blizzard has just delegated our forums to 1-2 mods, one of which is also into the same things as he-who-shall-not-be named & therefore wants to support it as much as possible.

And probably tries to take priority on tickets/issues that come up regarding said person/topic.

It makes sense as well when you also take into account how none of their trial accounts or the main one is ever suspended, how one of their friends could spend litterally an entire day spamming these forums with roughly 300 threads all in caps telling people from the PCU to die in various colourful, homophobic & racist ways, how alot of people who are just a tiny bit too vocal against certain person is banned within like 5 minutes, how this thread was stealth-named changed ,how posts are stealth-deleted or edited without notes etc etc.


Conspiracy Theory: L is a Blizzard GM and a Discord Dev

I’m inclined to believe that theory. It does seem like someone is either sympathetic to Jade Witchcraft, or have some weird vendetta to settle.

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It’s really… Well, words cannot describe.

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Peeve: furbolgs still haven’t got a model update, even though they appeared in Legion and many other creatures appearing in Legion did get model updates.

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F in the chat for our humanoid bears

I wouldn’t jump the gun and believe the rabbit hole go that deep
although I will say it sounds very much like you made an enemy of that mod/gm and they now have a grudge against you as a person/player
if they are like that, it may translate over and any other player trying to report the same thing may be treated the same way.

I think this person who view your tickets is just not capable of performing their duties anymore, as it seems like they no longer can maintain a diplomatic relationship with players.
this behaviour should be reported and forwarded to someone higher up the chain.

If your evidence is air tight, you should be able to report the GM for corruption/abuse of power.
however if it is true each server have a assigned number of GMs, you won’t be able to report them from argent dawn or any related to it, by normal means a report would go through the part of the chain you need to avoid.

Now I do not suggest you do this, in fact I discourage it, and yes I am saying this to cover my own behind.

it may be feasible to report the abuse through a different server or mayhaps there is a more direct way to report an issue that will neglect the server assigned GMs


I’ve tried to report it, when I reported in the survey is when things doubled down, and since then any tickets on the matter is just closed without response.

That sounds like the person you reported may have gotten yelled at for poor performance and either taken it out on everyone or made the connection it was you.

it falls in line with my theory that they hold a grudge.

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Email the CEO.


Bobby laughs at the email before snorting more happy sugar and deleting it.

I am still going to try, though I doubt nothing will come from it sadly.

Oh, he’s not going to read it, but it’ll get forwarded down the chain to a higher level person, throw in enough concerning words (“brand damaging”) and it’ll get attention.