Pet Peeve: Wrath

Eileen the Crow died on me, to Henryk.

I am so angry.

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I’ve never played Bloodborne, but I have put in alot of hours in DS1 and 2 individually(and a bit in 3)

And it sucks losing an NPC. :frowning:

She’s one of those NPCs where friendly fire is on so while you’re duking it out with Henryk, you can accidently kill her.

I didn’t do this, I just hit like a wet papaer towel so Henryk just wombo comboed her and she died.

So, now got to restart because if she doesn’t survive, I can’t get the good blood rapture rune (restores health on riposte).

3 hours gone down the drain.


The first time I came across that fight I didn’t know what was going on or who was who, so I just sat back and watched them duke it out for a bit. Eventually, Henryk killed Eileen and I was like “okay cool, I’ll just stab him real quick and get all the loot. Big profit!”

Then Henryk murdered me so I had to beat him all alone as my noob self. :pensive:



As with everything to do with Bloodborne, I knew what was up before playing it, so knew if i want to fight the Bloody Crow of Cainhurt (I don’t really fight him, I cheese the crap out of him) then Eileen had to survive the Henryk encounter.

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Im sorry to hear, that really sucks :frowning:

Also not gonna lie, ive been really mean with NPC’s in DS2. Ive invaded alot in the past and tricked people into fighting two early NPC’s so they aggroed or died.

The merchant Hag, and the belltower gnome/dwarf guy.

No, not Melentia!

… or I would be like that if she wasn’t such a cow to kill.

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It’s more fun to do it with the belltower gnome, since he hits like a truck+on a good day/time, you can get up 3 belltower covenant players, 1-2 invaders as well to all gang up.

I’m not shy to admit that i just close the game down when I get invaded in DS1 & 2.

Its why i’m in prisoner island in 2, I only get summoned/invaded by the hackers.

They should’ve put an easier way to play them in offline mode. Especially in DS1 which is insideous with going back online.

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A simple toggle offline/online option like in DS3 would have been good!

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I would like that!

There’s a toggle on BB too, but you can’t choose your root chalice dungeons if you don’t do it online.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a PS account so can’t go online anyway.

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Double post but;


I see Tarantino. I upvote.

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Cat looks very annoyed, as if roused from slumber too early!



Amazing films! (they are all mine too!)

Actually the opposite! just going to bed then i shoved a camera in his face.


My new gaming chair has arrived. It is a very welcome upgrade from having sat on the same rickety office chair for the last 7 years.

  • Be me

  • Join a raid

  • Several people of Argent Dawn in there

  • We meme a little

  • Suddenly it’s a talk about roleplay, some say it’s boring, others say it’s cool

  • Someone brings up Asmongold because of the raid mechanics

  • Every single one goes “Lilynore stuff lol”

We made it. Now GS isn’t the only thing anymore that AD is (negatively) known for.


Blizzard really like their nonces, I am very convinced of that now, more than before.

Oh no!

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I got hit with a 2 week suspension for telling someone that they were infact someone else. It’s strange how the mods are absent for months then when a certain person mass flags they are on it instantly.