Pet Peeve: Wrath

Messing a horrific vision up feels horrible. :frowning:

So maybe someone will find this pet peeve relatable. It’s something I’ve encountered in a number of role-playing communities, at least on MMOs.

So you meet someone, right. You maybe plan out a role-play, or an on-going story to weave, or perhaps you just spend a few hours role-playing with them. At some point or other, they try to invite you to their guild/rp community. You turn them down. Suddenly they ghost you or lose interest in any on-going role-play, and it’s partly because they only seem to want to role-play with their guild but also a case of them just being recruitment bots in their downtime and not caring for RP otherwise.

It’s a bit annoying.


Happens all the time. All. The. Time.


Seriously, this is dumb

Since making that post, a green skinned draka has also been datamined…alongside the brown one. Just to make it better.

It’s still alpha though, they could just do a mass model replacement with the greenskin instead.

Oh my god, what have they done to DeviantArt? I hate it already.


What did they do? Been years since I went there.

It seems they’re fine with alternate heroes also having card versions (Medivh, Khadgar, Liadrin, Maiev) but not standard ones.

I don’t really have words to describe what they’ve done.

Its like they’ve just… squished everything on the page willy-nilly.

EDIT: its like they’ve updated it for mobile or something?


DA Eclipse is freakin disgusting :face_vomiting: Pls don’t remove the old interface!

Oh, its Eclipse they’ve thrusted on me again?!

Shows over, Cro’s tantruming over nothing, you can all leave again.

Aside from, they have tried to force Eclipse on me AGAIN.


While I wouldn’t put anything past Blizzard, would it not be possible that maybe people go back to their original selves in the Shadowlands, so orcs might appear to be uncorrupted?

That said I think I have seen Forsaken spirits there so who knows?

It reminds me of how like…Amino or pinterest looks on a browser, you know when you’re searching for a picture and it ends up on one of those sites and looks truly dreadful.

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Yeah, they’re just so god awfully designed!

In other news, “I’m going to kill Brador in his cell before he invades me”

invades me outside his cell

Well ****.

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You can turn it off and go back to old Deviantart, so it’s np. I like the new design, but the old version is just easier to scroll through mindlessly.

I have collected everything, I am now ready for Orphan of Kos on my main.

takes a deep breath

EDIT: Elenthas! How easy is it to bully Orphan with Ludwig’s?

Well I killed him on my second attempt with a sliver of health left and zero vials left, so I really don’t know if I’m the best barometer for this sorta thing.

Guess its time for me to bash my head against him then for lord-knows-how-many attempts before I quit, only to pick it up in a year’s time and kill him in 5 tries.

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Ah, I see you’re adopting my Bloodstarved Beast strategy.


Funny how that works isn’t it?

it was how i beat laurence this time around.