Pet Peeve: Wrath

Okay, Gehrman’s dead.

If i kill Flora (moon presence) does it automatically start me in NG+?

You’re locked in now aren’t you? Can’t go back after you fight Gehrman either way.

You can if you quit out/die/hunter mark


But yeah once you kill moon presence that’s the end of the gameplay iirc, straight into credits and then NG+.

Okay, off to the chalice dungeons then.

Do you know if the chalices stay at the graves if you go into the next NG cycles?

Would hate to farm 9 Ritual Blood 4s for beast claw, only for me to have to do it again next cycle because it upped all the chalices.

They do yeah. Any altars stay intact+completed, they don’t reset at all.

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Thank you!

Going to go and get the Beast Claw for the achievement then maybe go kill Flora.

Scratch that, I have to actually go and run Forbidden Woods properly for all its items including the red wizard set.

I finally got 1 Ritual Blood (4) to drop! I only need 6 more for Beast Claw.

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Every now and again, and I know I’d already posted this here before, I think back to the amazing Jaina Warbringers video and the idea of Jaina returning to her homeland as some evil traitor.

Boy do I wish that had been followed through in-game in a meaningful way.


wE MuSt giVE ThE zAnDAlaRI tImE To mOuRn


Really bewaring the daughter of the sea right now.


To this day, the Pandaren language remains a joke I struggle to take seriously. They didn’t even bother something that would vaguely sound like a language!


Which is really weird when they also got this alongside it:


The one expansion where all her anger issues could be let out and even give the Alliance a way to be more atagonistic, and she is gone for like 3/4ths of the entire storyline, and the remaining 1/4th she goes back to her wc3 pacifism way.


The cat is going senile.


But! There is food in his bowl. fresh food.


That… a pretty bad sign
They say, if a cat won’t eat for three days, the forth will be its last :frowning:
Hope your cat get better!

I’m kidding, don’t worry, he’s eating fine.

i more think he just doesn’t want what’s in the bowl hence why he is crying.

Also the “starving to death” bit is to rile up Stonetower more than anything.


Oh yeah, mine to tend to pull a Ghandi untill revice the desired treat
Or secretly eats under the cover of night…
Sneaky little furred devil

Have you tried j1ggling the bowl?

why is j1gg censored blizz

do they hate a certain sleepy pokemon??


Apparantly J1gg is slang for taking happy pills at clubs.

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