Pet Peeve: Wrath

Because J*ggly is a slang, adjective used to describe a desirably curvaceous female. :slight_smile:

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He’ll eat it eventually, just have to listen to him sing the song of his people (which is all the time, this cat is noisy)

Pretty much what I do!

Well, the wet food version which is mush it back up and stir.

Neither of these are good reasons to censor an exceptionally common word for dancing and describing an inherent property of jelly. :rage: We will have words, Mr Brack.


Wait until “hello” or “hi” is used one time by 1 person as slang for sniffing happy sugar and thus become censored across all Blizzard platforms.


Do not speak of food please…

I hunger and I still got 6H of fasting to go through.

So after finishing FF7: Remake, that left me in a really empty and unfulfilled place when trying to follow up with another game.

But my friends keep recommending Persona 5 Royal to me, I never played Persona 5 because I didn’t have a PS4 when it was at the height of it’s hype so maybe it will be the chosen one.

We will see …

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According to an online dictionary: “a contemptuous term used to refer to a black person.”

Maybe it’s an American thing. Bet they didn’t make their slur filter region-appropriate.

Silly Blizzard not realizing that by trying to censor they are only teaching us new slurs.

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Not played Royal but I loved Persona 5. It has its highs and lows (some of the “dungeons” [called palaces] are great but there’s one outright awful one) but overall it’s a great game.

Also one I kind of want to play at the moment as a lot of it is about going out and hanging out with your friends and having a normal life…

I’m also feeling a void now without FF7 Remake and seriously can’t wait for the next one. I can see why some people wouldn’t like the direction they’re going but I think it’s a fantastic example of games as art, personally.

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All Persona games are like that, have to balance the social life with the saving the world (and you HAVE to because you get stronger the better your social links are)

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Yup, when lockdown started I decided to play 3 as 5 was the first on I played. I keep hearing that 4 (Golden in particular) is the best so maybe I’ll get to that some day too.

As i have said before, they are not my favourite SMT games. But they are a blast to play.

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I’ve not played any of the SMT games at all but Persona has given me the push to actually go have a look at them now!

I’m also really looking forward to P5 Scramble whenever that comes west. Persona + Dynasty Warriors sounds like a dream. Also looks like there’s far more story content and social life stuff than I was expecting!

Ah, you should give them all a try-- actually, maybe don’t play Nocturne 3 unless you want to throw your PS2 out of the window.

But both Digital Devil Saga games were great, and Devil Summoner was different (if you can get ahold of a copy that is).

As for Nocturne 3 AKA Lucifer’s Call (The American version, also has Dante from Devil May Cry in it), its my favourite out of the bunch, but Jesus Christ there are times when the RNG is actively out to get you.

Hang on, let me see if i can find the “mot the Troll” video.

You’re saying it’s Featuring Dante From the Devil May Cry Series???

I was never really into JRPGs as a kid but I’ve now discovered that I actually love them, so I’m definitely keen to give them a go.

I want to get a vanity guild for my character.
“Damned” is considered mature language, and cannot be used.

i peer at the literal cult of the damned searchingly

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Yes, yes it does have Dante from DMC in it.

you have to beat him up twice to get him, but yes. He becomes a member of your team and uses Rebellion and E&I as some of his signiture moves.

I can’t find Mot trolling, but there’s more than a few videos of him using Dragon Eye (which gives him 3 extra turns), using up 2, then casting dragon eye again so you basically never get a turn.

I adore LC, but it is the only game that has caused me to want to fling it out of the window. i have never ever been that angry at a game before or since.

darn you, darn you all the way to heck

Does playing them in order matter? I know it doesn’t with Persona outside of some vague references to past games but no idea if it’s the same in SMT or not.

I don’t know if this is still the case, but I remember it being impossible to put ‘Black’ in your guild name at some point. :roll_eyes: