Pet Peeve: Wrath

I don’t think you can get the other 2 in english? unless hey released them on the PSP, but no it doesn’t matter, they are like FF where each game is its own contained story.

Digital Devil Saga needs to be played in order though, and if you want the secret character in 2 you HAVE to have played through 1.

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Oh right, that makes things a little easier then lol.

Once I manage to break my Animal Crossing addiction I’ll make a proper start!

Same with the Persona games, you don’t need to play them in order, they’re pretty much self contained.

There’s nods here and there across the series, like needing a certain 2 demons to get Alice in Devil Summoner is a reference to something in Nocturne 2? Where the said two demons raised Alice.

but as said, its a ref. You’re not going to not understand the game if you haven’t played them.

Also main character from Catherine is in P3.

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Huh, interesting. Looking forward to trying them out!

i found it!

Here be Mot being an absolute troll!

There are other vids where he just keeps doing beast’s eye.

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better to be upfront about it then let somebody worry about my old man for no reason isn’t it?

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Oh man, that last SW The Clone Wars Episode… Just pure genius, pure tension and pure… It was just awesome. I think Darth Maul reached a new peak of epicness without a doubt.

“It’s just Maul now.”


SMT is a lot like Final Fantasy. Generally every main number of a game is its own thing with various spin-offs/sequels being listed as such.

If you haven’t, play Catherine (preferably Classic). It’s such a great game.

I did say that in a previous post!

Stormwind makes my game lag. The mage tower in particular.

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Think I may have an eye infection coming, it hurts like hell. Trying not to rub it.

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just going to casually cheese Micolash with Simon’s Bowblade in NG+1, gosh i wish I had 50 bloodtinge now (that’s the aim at the end of this NG cycle)

Cursed gem better than my other gems. But it increases stamina cost. I put it in to test it out.

still get 4 swings out of Ludwig’s. I thought there was supposed to be downsides using cursed gems?!

Self testing kit for covid still hasn’t arrived.
I’d like to know if I’ve got it, but only mildly like some lucky types. Or if my chestwall is on the fritz again.

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Hope you get it soon!

Also hope you recover swiftly.

Some pug raid leaders are really weird.
Leader: “link curve”
Me: links it
Leader: “Sorry mate, we only invite people who have curve and it seems you haven’t killed it yet”
Me: has just linked the achievement, and is even wearing a piece of gear from the last boss


I wonder if they seek those who:

But misspelling as killed it. I don’t know.


inb4 it’s just a syringe and a bottle of bleach

Get well soon though!


I come here and see Dante was mentioned further up, and now I have to go play DMC5 again.

Devil May Cry is my weakness. I’m such a weeb for it.

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