sad beep boop in 10 characters…
Here is something to believe in.
Goldshire ain’t the only problem though, so I think we can just agree the game or in particular RP servers need actual moderation so we don’t have literally zones nobody can RP in without being asked for ToS breaking activities or jokes about such activities.
It is truly a shame.
Finished FF7R. Great game, didn’t end how I’d expected. Nomura did it again.
Gonna pause my post-game play until trophy list shows up properly so I can see what I’m actually missing.
Beginning to think the mods may eventually ban every active user on the forums.
Mods aren’t man enough to ban me, i’m the sheriff in this town.
[I look angrily at the PCU who have long asked for better moderation of these forums, and now we have no forums]
Erryone talking about FF7 remake but here i am weeping because i want a Tales of Symphonia remake.
Xillia PC release.
It’s not better though. It’s just incredibly random and heavy handed.
I have no bullets on my moonlight great sword character.
EDIT; Also +9 tonitrus with crap blood gems kicked the celestial emissary’s butt.
I woke up thanks to some neighbour’s loud drilling. I hate this. What a horrible way to disrupt sleep.
My dog always sleeps with my mum but last night he decided to try my bed, got confused after a short sleep and proceeded to run between our bedrooms over and over. So this kept me awake through my sleeping meds kicking in and thus I didn’t really get to sleep u_u
I’ve got my fingers crossed that Game might slip me their copy early tomorrow, but it’s looking likely that I’ll get it on Friday.
Possibly fine since in theory Friday is a bank holiday, but my work is keeping quiet right now on if I will get it off.
put my controller down, shot the chapel dweller.
Wish we could go back to PS2 controllers where the L2 and R2 buttons aren’t so easy to click!
When I first got Oblivion years ago on PS3 because I was a lowly 13 year old without a proper PC, I became archmage of the Mages Guild and went inside the Arcane University.
I put my controller down for a second to go and do something, and wouldn’t you know it, R2 clicked and I shot a fireball straight at someone’s face, and was promptly booted from the guild.
I liked the halls of origination as a dungeon before this patch.
I liked that you could choose one of four last bosses, even if their mechanics were hardly anything exciting. It kept it relatively fresh.
Aw no!
At least the Chapel Dweller is forgiving.
It also takes 3 acts of aggression to make any neutral NPC hostile.
Just lucky it wasn’t my 40 bloodtinge character because she would have one shot him.
Getting a major urge to replay it to be honest. One of my all time favourite games imo, it’s near flawless.