Pet Peeve: Wrath

Putting the yharnam queen bossfight 50,000 chalice dungeons deep behind the STUPID giant stompy pewpew camera killer and amygdala sucked.

I feel no shame about cheesing chalice amygdala with the bowblade.

The chalice dungeons are a real miss.

There’s loads of unique bosses that should’ve been put into the main game.

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The chalice dungeons are my only real gripe with it - I try not to think about them too much.

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Conceptually an option for infinitely replayable dungeons is good! A lot of people like them and I enjoy dipping my toes in now and then.
But some of them had really weird difficulty spikes (sometimes trash rooms, sometimes bosses) and like Cro says, locking some bosses solely in dungeons sucked. And requiring you to go so deep for the Platinum soured me on them really hard by the end of it.

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i went chalice diving for the bone ash set, one of those rooms was really pretty (grassy with a castle architecture)

I was just like, “could’ve had this as an area in the game…”

Then with Watchdog as its end boss or something, or really late into the game and had Queen yharnham herself.

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Yeah this is the main problem with them.

I like that you can avoid the bad stuff if you want, but you do miss out on some cool stuff.

our demands will be met or this forum will burn


This character in bloodborne is buggy AF.

i have found multiple bugs on this one character and its driving me nuts. think its cursed.

Amazon coming out of left field and delivering Final Fantasy 7 tomorrow. It’s almost time.

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Elder Scrolls: Blades is a pretty cool and fun mobile game…

And it peeves me people won’t even try it because of the fact its a mobile game, its worth a damn shot!

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Have you seen some of the stuff they’ve uncovered by hacking into the files for the Chalice Dungeons? There’s a butt load of floors in there full of bosses as trash enemies. It’s pretty amazing stuff.

smh, Moridumbdumb selling mobile games on here

next he’s gonna tell us about Raid: Shadow Legends and talk about the Arknights waifus he unboxes. smh.


Well when we get our PC release I’m sure we can play it properly.

It’s coming, I know it is, I believe.

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I’m living for the day that they try to copyright the word “RAID” in game titles like the Candy Crush people tried to do with the word “SAGA”.

What if we’re not allowed to call raids raids anymore? What is Ion going to do???

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Honestly I can handle the raid ones, they’re at least trying to be creative now. It’s just the one’s were some reddit-persona is screaming about unlocking some six-star cat girl that really grates my cheese.


shut up and let me watch my stuff

hey everyone RatBoi69 here with just a quick message from our sponsor Anime Catbabes, Boobs and Butts here to tell you about this hit new game that I’ve been really enjoying in an emotionally touching way. The thrill I get when I pull the lever and unbox a crate of seven star catgirls is honestly beyond human speech so I will replace it with this inhuman eldritch screeching that properly represents my emotional high.

imagine being like a youtube game reviewer or trusted personality in the sphere and then unironically shilling out for raid:Shadow legends even though it’s really nothing special

like is the money really that good? how much are they paying?

Apparently yes it is. I don’t blame people for doing sponsored content tbh, they gotta make their money somehow after the adpocalypse, but I’ll generally just skip through any ads (though some creators like Internet Comment Etiquette turn their sponsor stuff into actually decent skits, so I’ll watch those)


Honestly I rail against it but i would do it if offered the money.

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gonna email Mr Raid Shadow Legends and find out how much they’ll pay me to drop a quick shill at the bottom of each forum post from now on.