Pet Peeve: Wrath



Cleaned the cooker, now I hurt.

Bloody arthritis.

Soon as someone is known, people will start crap and the best rumour they can come up with is male parts for some reason. Sorry to hear it happened. Best to like… ignore these sorts of people and move on.

People are obsessed with genitals on here i s2g

Oh I don’t think it’s a rumor honestly. Just someone who was maybe hoping for too much. I dunno. I mean, I just wanted to vent a little after having a rough day and I’ve already put it past me. They weren’t being outright rude either, after all. Just… a little weird. Eccentric.

Also for another pet peeve? I want Elite sets to be available for purchase too. But at a much higher price. Like… 500 Marks of Honor or something. Because frankly even if I realize it’s a status thing I hate that things like that are timelocked and kept from people who might not be good enough to keep up with that aspect of the game. Yes I am biased because I am not that good. :rofl:

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Got a scam email last night about something being cancelled and didn’t sleep well over it (thought it was real, but was going to ring them up in the morning)

As said, scam. but was quite a fright.



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Had a dream last night that I changed Akamito into a Pandaren.

What could it mean???


I hope that this undead invasion prepatch brings back Tabard of the Argent Dawn again for the duration of it.

It means you should stop thinking about food.


Or, you know, just bring it back permanently.


That’d be the best, but I doubt they’ll do it, so all we can do is hope they bring it back for the Scourge Invasion event.

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I have no idea.

Atleast it wasn’t as wild as my dream about teaming up with Sylvanas to battle the Predator…

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No, I don’t want anyone new to get it. It’s one of the few old items I actually have and I need to be angrily territorial about it


Pandaren starting zone is still great after all these years.


Doing Alliance side Jade Forest.

Can we go back to Anduin mind controlling Dwarves to escape? think that’s a better version of him than what we have now.


Just wish they’d delete anduin tbh


Unironically stops the plot from being interesting and being capable of corrupting anyone’s mind with his Human Light wielding potential.

Don’t get me wrong, that’d be the best outcome.

But its not going to happen, hence why I think they should roll him back.

I thought Sakhara is a goth!

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Eh, sort of vaguely but not really but also yes? :rofl:

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Starting to feel the burn out from levelling.

DID is 90, just got 20 levels to go before heritage armour (will level her from 110 to 120 when TBC timewalking swings around)