Pet Peeve: Wrath

When I played my first/main Inquisitor, I tried to focus on building up my own powerbase. So selfish pragmatism over psycho or imperial values.

With my first Warrior, I was full on For the Empire, good apprentice, then went on a rampage after act 2.

That’s legit - I was more talking generally about the choices, especially for a Warrior where you are 100% ruthless against anyone who fights you but don’t waste your time murdering people who aren’t worth the bother. The Light side choice there is normally ‘tell them to run for their lives’.

The light-side choice where you spare a republic commando squad and use them to take out a rival Sith, for example, is wonderful.


KOTOR 2 is the only instance so far where they did it well. It genuinely paints the morality of the Jedi and the Sith as two sides of the same coin.

If only we got KOTOR 3 in the Unknown Regions where it was described we’d be facing the true original Sith Lords instead of the pretenders we saw in the prior two games.

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Pragmatist Inquisitor also plays well into the direction the Empire takes with Acina incorporating some of Malgus’s popular reforms without the extremist rhetoric, finally uniting the Empire (and stomping out dissenters who try to go back to the old :poop: flinging infighting politics).

An inquisitor who goes all Thanaton with tradition just directly clashes against what the Empire becomes post-Vitiate and you’re basically going against the curve while the whole point of Inquisitor’s story is you playing the game to rise to the top and eventually make a change.

The Outlander is also canonically the Inquisitor, don’t @ me. Darth Marr tells the Inquisitor that he doesn’t trust anyone else to lead the expedition into Zakuulan space except Darth Nox. To all the other classes he makes it clear you’re not his equal, i.e. you’re not the canonical Outlander that Marr accepted to lead the expedition with.

bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe RePuBliC tRoOpS? They’re Satele’s troops. They’re not your troops to command even if you play a Republic character. Their loyalty is to Satele and Satele only.

Also the ghost possession bit with Valkorion plays directly into the whole main arc of the Inquisitor story.


I know you didn’t just do my man Darth Nihilus like this

You can be really insidious in a few places of the warrior too, and not just a murderous brute.

There was one bit on Alderaan where you have the option to torture a bunch of officers for information since their general wont speak. First guy I was her lover and she instantly cracked, and said she would tell me if I spared him. So I killed her, and everyone else, except him.

You’re telling me that the bounty hunter who has zero connection to any of the force characters, and who gets a “force-gun” isn’t canon?

What madness are you spouting?

Hey, I’m just quoting how it was described. Those Sith Lords were apparently truly badass and it was from them the first known Sith Lords of the wider galaxy came to be aka Naga Sadow etc.

I refer to the specific brand of Jedi RPer who insists that the Outlander is the Jedi Knight and therefore the Alliance joins the Republic “because light side choices are canon” or something.

Except that joining a faction in Jedi Under Siege is a neutral choice, and up until that point the Republic has been an active enemy in the Zakuul storyline while the Empire went above and beyond to help you.

It’s like if the night elves suddenly joined the Horde in 9.0.


Having played the outlander story a few times, I cant see the Jedi Knight fit in there properly. The only connection there is to Valkorion, and then the warrior or Inquisitor works better.

And yeah, don’t they make a big point that the republic has basically turned into a shadow-dictatorship post Zakuul? With the chancellor running everything behind the scenes even when she isnt supposed too.

Can’t get more badass than someone who communicates by exerting their will through the Force, and murdered an entire planet by being nearby

And to go back to this, Lana also says that betrayal is not a tenet of the Sith Code. Strength is. If you’re truly strong, power (and therefore leadership) will come to you naturally. Power claimed by usurping it doesn’t last.

Sith (post-Vitiate, anyway) aren’t some edgy one note party of betrayers anymore, instead they’re finally embracing the Sith Code for what it traditionally is.


Acina is the true Empress of the Sith!


As much as I like Vowrawn, he’s good at what he does and what he does good is not lead an Empire.


I also always ended up siding with her in the fallen empire storyline and later the iokath one, mainly because the Republic had a -massive- habit of trying to activly work against me or screw me over, even when I was playing republic!

Acina never did that.

Also Republic attacked first in Iokath. Theron has dialogue asking why the hell the Republic is trying to kill him. The son of their Supreme Commander. Imperial forces (your allies) arrive after.

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The Republic is corrupt, stagnant and bad.

The new Sith Empire strong, good, pragmatic.

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Vitiate did a good job laying the groundwork for the Empire but man sucked as a ruler. Acina good


Can’t wait for her to get a saber in the back and the main man Malgus to take over.

The fault with Vitiate was that while he laid groundwork, and even how he did things in Zakuul, it was all for ultimatly his own self-gain in the end for whenever he decided to suck up more force-juice.

At the time of Swtor, Vitiate/Valky is not really a person anymore but a really hungry dark side entitiy.

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