Problem with what you wrote is this, doing Xanesh with only one void ritual on HC is easy.
Nice kittie.
Why do you even post? It’s also hilarious you have the gall to accuse others of being basement dwellers given your malding activity here.
Every bump is another strand of hair lost
As I have said many a time, just don’t respond.
Respond to what?
Good morning, friends! My pet peeve for today is that my alt mage keeps getting better corruptions than the main mage. Alt got 2 gushing wounds pieces already, the main is still sitting at 0.
Nothing, nothing at all.
Would you like a cat pic? provided i can corral him somewhere that isn’t the carpet that needs to be hoovered?
Oh god, that must suck.
If the trend continues, I might actually decide to push rating to 2400 on the alt once I catch up with cloak, item level and all. It’s sitting around 460 currently, so getting it up to speed should be doable.
You may as well now.
Cat pics are always appriciated!
I feel like my issue on my rogue main is a kinda opposite to this. Im swimming in corruptions, but I dont got enough resistance(despite rank 15 cloak) to justify wearing them all, nor do I get any non-corrupt gear that is better so I can start replacing/swapping them out.
I do have a plenty of corruptions on the main mage, it’s just that they’re not the ones I want for PvP.
He is such a sweetheart!
I’m only really now dipping my toe into the corruption gear and visions content. I only yesterday realised what I was supposed to be doing with visions and why I’d been failing.
I feel like I’ve got plenty of time between now and Shadowlands to get my head around it and make some decent progress towards reasonable gear. But I suspect I’ll be doing most of that on my druid who is my sort of new main at this point.
What about dog pics?
Also okay!
Here you go then.
[post edited by Blizzard to enable photo.]
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