peeve: When I’m driving in my car and this stupid Taxi playing NFS Most Wanted OST is blocking the junction, damn Taxis act like they own the road.
wowhead is utterly broken for me for no reason
actually driving me up the wall because i’d like to use the damn site for once
Since Peeves are now about vehicles.
Ever since lockdown has been lifted here, the nearby park has been invaded by a bunch of youth with their bloody motorcycles, disturbing the peace and quiet normal people who just wanna enjoy the sunlight again after a month and a half stuck inside.
I confess that my thoughts about go from mild wish of Schadenfreude to actual malice.
Youths are unironically the worst.
If that makes me a boomer so be it, I am ready…
It might come as a surprise to some people but I commission a lot of art. I opened up my imgur account and did a quick count of the views in each of my TRP art albums.
773 views and nearly 40 commissions across all my characters. 234 from my pandaren alone who I have almost never RPed in any major hub or city. Yet someone out there really spam viewing my pandaren’s art
did a quick count and my tarot card will be my 40th commission
Youth is the most precious thing in life; it is too bad it has to be wasted on young folk
sweats nervously
I’m thinking of getting a commission for my Nelf druid. Need to strike while the iron is hot though.
How lewd is it
i only commission wholesome art
That carrot chopping is pretty lewd.
somebody help
It’s loading fine for me. Try on different browser (try on mobile?). Clear cache and cookies. Check your noscripts/adblockers in case their settings have changed for some reason.
Nelf(ish) RPers of Argent Dawn, I want to try and take advantage of my free time during working hours and have some casual RP.
Is there much activity during those hours at the moment?
same result on 2 different browsers

Nelf(ish) RPers of Argent Dawn, I want to try and take advantage of my free time during working hours and have some casual RP.
Is there much activity during those hours at the moment?
It’s mostly at evening. You’ll find activity in Feralas mostly, and Ashenvale. Although I seen people being online earlier too.
Poke me whenever wanted. If I was available we can do something.
Despite recently responding to one (just wanted to Kump), I hate Forum Fun posts. They suck.
/me throws you into the forum fun thread to suffer in there for all eternity.

Despite recently responding to one (just wanted to
Kump), I hate Forum Fun posts. They suck.
Zaneposting in Forum Fun Threads does not constitute for a personality
Anyone know if I buy one of the flying mounts from the rep vendors in Zandalar, would I then get the Alliance equivelant as well for my Alliance characters? Seem to remember a system that worked a bit like that in the past.