I would love an epic “life quest” around the story of a race.
Perhaps one that gets new additions every expansion to further flesh out the greater position(s) of a faction and create notable NPCs for each beyond the singular faction leader plus a few hangers-on, so that we get a diverse cast of characters, meaning that we don’t feel like losing a faction leader is literally the end of the faction.
Yeah if it was something like a questline surrounding the story of your race rather than the one of your character it’d be great, would really flesh things out a bit. Like a full-on version of the heritage armour quests.
Of course, other MMOs are able to do this (see job storylines in FFXIV), but WoW can only put out a rushed Heritage armour questline for a single race every few months…
Also that’s a really interesting find Lintian, I had no idea that was a thing at all.
The Epic life quest should have been something heavy taking place during HA chain quest… I mean they kinda did it for Belves whereas most of the other races just got a pretty lame one.
Also devs American mentality there… Don’t tell the player what their personal story should be is irrelevant, they key word being personal when the race’s history is a totally different matter. History is experienced differently by people but the events are unchanged.
You do get rewards for clearing the other wings (mementos, pets, essence stuff etc), but generally it’s better just to focus on upgrading your cloak - as you level it up you’ll eventually get quests to go into the Lost and Corrupted areas anyway, and you’ll be much better set for it.
Just clear out the early zone and loot the mailbox for now
It spawns a mob every time - very rarely it spawns a mob that drops one of those Abyss Worm mounts. There’s one in every district, in the same place every time
Trying to organise a sort of formalish evening a week to spend in WoW RPing. Not sure which day I should pitch though yet. Just want to get back into it bros even if it’s only small scale
Peeve: When I’m driving taxi and I got my NFS Most Wanted OST disc playing, Decadence starts playing and the passenger has the gall to ask me to turn it off.