Pet Peeve: Wrath

Right, okay haha. I don’t think an unrelated image to what we were discussing has any point rly.

You think it’s funny? Huh.

I think u should change what you said to

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Man, chill. If someone upsets you so much on a forum then walk away for a while.

Wanna hear a pet peeve?

Topics such as these are never adhered to for more than a hundred posts at a time and people just start flaming eachother, that’s bothersome man


Gentlemen, the funny has been delivered


I was being serious. Really. If you’re so distressed because I posted in this thread then go do something else : |

Another pet peeve:

Forums not being consistent on characters when I log in

I’m really not angry lmao

ur deflection tactic is countered with a :dontcare:


Most pathetic defence, not even an apology thats mad

Don’t think you ever apologized for the arm band picture actually worrying implication


I really, reaaaaally don’t care what strangers online think about me. I can’t change anything so why bother even giving one little bit of a damn? I mean I’ve tried in the past and people still waffle on about things that happened ten years ago so there’s no point.

If you are unhappy with the things people post in this thread just walk away : |


On topic:

My pet peeve is input from smelly toads of argent dawn who defend the use of extreme gore in roleplay, fetishise naz*s and promote doxxing. I don’t know why such a player would keep posting and offering their advice on each thread as if they’re this realm’s moral compass


You, sir/madam, have just proven my point lol

You do seem to care about the opinions of strangers, otherwise you wouldn’t defend your opinions here so heavily.

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I used to care back in the day. These days I find not a single crap to give what people think when they’re just whingy.

edit: is whingy even a word…

Not being funny but, if you don’t care, why are you replying?

You’re just adding more fuel to the fire.

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I’m that bored. I’m sat waiting for dinner and people deserve replies if they talk to me. I prefer not to ignore anybody no matter what they say. (Ignoring is rude).

i think its that youre bored + you care

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