Pet Peeve: Wrath

Now I have the craving to play u_u

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Did an improvised world building session the other day on discord where I made up a hypothetical setting on the fly and fleshed out a couple cultures and I weep for what could have been

Just want a morally ambiguous but not necessarily evil vampire nation with a healthy relationship with its human population that’s beyond just “blood bag slavery” fellas


I did actually build a setting like this, intended for LARP. It had all of the expected fantasy races, but either with twists on the concept or explanations for common tropes.

Included was a society which was ruled by immortal liches, but one where only living people could use the necromancy which allowed them to survive - so you had symbiosis between the humans benefitting from the free labour of the undead while then supporting the people who rule them.

Vampires, who were more parasitically reliant on the living, were treated like beggars and were given their state as a punishment.

I’m writing a book and the main characters aren’t even human (there are humans in it).

I disagree. Elise has consistently been characterized as the smart one on the team and the one who makes plans, as well as the “straight man” to Reno’s loony antics. In Galakrond’s Awakening, she’s even the commander of the League’s forces in Dragonblight, and her craftiness is represented by her ability to draw just the right cards when needed and access to a wish effect a la Zephrys.


My take was that this hypothetical nation’s human population enjoys a special status as a protected caste because the vampires need blood to survive, paying a regular blood tithe in exchange for protection. Humans are barred from serving in the military, which is a job delegated to your average breed of vampire (as opposed to the purebloods who make up the nobility).

To substitute for labour, they use necromancy which allows them to dedicate their time to researching darker magics as this nation’s a safe refuge for all sorts of practitioners of various dark arts to the point the vampires like to prop up and support dark mages across the continent as part of a geopolitical powerplay during a period of fragile peace, and promise them refuge and citizenship if they’re discovered and manage to cross their borders.

“Why not just take the humans and use them as blood bags” is a valid question to which the answer is that during the reign of a now-unnamed King whose name was struck from history, he tried to enforce such internment to his human population. Why should he protect his lessers when they’re clearly only useful for their blood?

The humans started performing ritual suicides to deny their lifeblood to the vampires and the nobility deposed the King in a coup pretty quickly.

Since the vampires are undead and can’t reproduce themselves, they also bestow the gift of vampirism to ambitious members of their human population, allowing them to rise up the ladder. This does create oligarchic dynasties in that those in power have the means to sire more into their exclusive club, and between all the schemes and politics, you have to sire a few new ones every once in a while to make up for all the “accidents” and “natural causes”.

Murdering a human is a death penalty for a vampire, and silver is a banned material in the entire nation outside of specially reserved executioner’s tools for aforementioned death penalties.

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Kibler was recently.

Ysera 2.0 being so good kinda messes with the highlander goal though.

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The “you are in combat” bug. When you are in warmode and you see that twink monstrosity closing in, you don’t want to be stuck in combat with the mob you killed three seconds ago.

That’s true yeah! I’ve not played enough of Galakrond’s yet to get the full picture, I’m a little behind :smiley:

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I’m just saying that the druchii are superior to the asur and anyone who thinks otherwise is a gnoll.

A filthy gnoll.

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Look at that smug little face, sitting on my chair because i went to the toilet.


It ceased being your chair when you gave ground. :cat:


That’s okay, he gave ground because he didn’t want to share it (I sat on the edge and he elected to get off)


I probably won’t be crafting the new Ysera anyway because I value my remaining 4600 dust ((f2p btw)), so my plan is to just craft Elise, add classic Ysera, Zephrys, Dragonqueen and whatever druid cards I happen to have from packs, maybe craft some commons. Won’t be competitive, but probably passable for playing Casual with casuals like myself.

It’s his chair!


It’s cool how some games of halo don’t have a way to mute people.

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That brings back memories to halo 3 (i think it was) and people would scream at me on voice chat cause i’d hide in a little hole with that OP sword and just lean out to swipe and one hit whoever went past. Talk about rage.

So you were one of those people…

I think Halo 3 was at the forefront of my teenage gaming experience and it was fun chilling in custom games with cringy retards around my age from all all around the world. I miss those days. :pensive:

On a side note I somehow got myself -50 points at recruit level and had to climb all the way back up just to gain ranks; think I capped at colonel before I stopped playing ranked.

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Damn straight. I laughed for hours doing that, especially when people were like “OMG PLAY THE GAME PROPERLY AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!”

me, age seventeen: “lol im a girl shut up”

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Ironic. When it was rare and required a ton of RNG and/or grinding to get, it being so OP wasn’t an issue. Now that everyone will be able to obtain it with some reliability, it has to be brought down in line!

What kind of backwards logic is that? A rebelance is good but why wait this long?