Pet Peeve: Wrath

Peeve: It got awfully hot over the last few days.

Not even night offers a respite anymore. Can summer just be over please?

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Just a day of rain once a week.

Summer be over? It just started!
Aaaaaaaah. Nice.


MCC was meant to have rotating weekly challenges resetting on Wednesday. I couldn’t find this week’s challenges so thought hey maybe they just didn’t change them and lo-and-behold they’re still the same as last week’s.

Considering how Reach had challenges in its original incarnation (I think from day 1?) it’s crazy that it took them months to add them in in the first place and then can’t get it right.

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Mechagnomes being fleshy instead of fully mechanical. Where’s my Warforged RP at.


Latest WIP on my tarot card looking really crisp. One minute change and it’ll be done :ok_hand:


Was about 1 to 2 degrees off from 30 degrees here. Can’t wait for 40 degrees again… going to be fun having my mobile AC unit next to me 24/7.

Already 40 degrees where i’m at,

Pet peeve: some pet peeves posted here !

Peeve: Split Personality. Already lost 6 runs to it because it appears so badly at the worst time. Got knocked back into it, the empty spot is in bad place etc.

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Me and Raiqu are hoping to boost 5 mask visions, by 2 manning 3 man visions.

Despite Orgrimmar being generally easier in my experience, this week is way harder than last week, and Split Personality is definitely not helping.

SP is not even that it’s hard, it’s just bad design. The faceless Dark Smash has the exact same screen effect, and the low sanity screen effect obscures it entirely. And that is not even mentioning the billion other purple screen effects that the visions vomit in your face.

I would rather do all 7 other districts than do Valley of Honour once with 5 masks to be honest

One of my players cast Tasha’s Hideous Laughter on a minotaur. Tried to find out if cows can laugh, answer seemed to be inconclusive. Spell still worked of course, I just didn’t know how to ‘visualise’ a minotaur’s laughter.

No tauren /laugh is not good enough. It’s too human.


I would just rule that all humanoids can laugh.

Though a minotaur is technically a monstrosity…

The virgin tauren vs the chad minotaur.

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Oh, he’s definitely laughing. On the floor booming his “bovine laugh” while the barbarian and warlord cut him to pieces (6 failed wis saves and counting!) but I’m just having trouble imagining what it would sound like.

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True though.

It hit 28 degrees earlier. It’s MAY. Let me off this ride please.


It’s been oddly hot since the lockdown started. Beautiful weather (if a bit TOO hot at times) while we’re all stuck in doors.

I feel as though people are going to go lax on the lockdown thing and just ruin everything and make it all ten times worse.

Friendly reminder that there was/is an active protest movement in America to lift the lockdown because the Coronavirus supposedly is not all its cracked up to be

Also most of them are conservative

To the Gulag you go


Second :clap: wave :clap:

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