Second wave will inevitably hit. Then the people who went out will cry when they catch it or someone they loved does. Clever people.
B-but the economy!
How will I afford my third superyacht if my minimum wage workers don’t get back to their drudgery?
But the economy!
How will those minimum wage workers go back to thier minimum wage job when thier minimum wage paying company no longer exists?
Yeah, from what I hear the biggest companies survive just fine - it’s the small businesses that are hurting.
But what do I know, our galaxy brain government got us to the highest death rate in the world this week.
Something something Jeff Bezos counts his trillions.
The world is set to get its first trillionaire, while countless millions of people are starving.
Fun world we live in.
Guy should buy me a new house so mum and I can move.
My mum and her boyfriend own a restaurant back home that probably wont survive but it’s not just small companies that are going under. In the UK Bella Italia and Cafe Rouge will probably be gone forever. Airlines, package holiday companies and large, long established department stores are looking at having to cut thousands of jobs.
While it’s important that we maintained some form of lock down and continue to abide by social distancing rules we cant just keep the world on hold forever.
The chances of having a “cure” any time soon are slim and this particular strain of the Corona virus will probably be around forever.
If the system cannot keep working without sacrificing the people, you sacrifice the system, not the people.
Could go much more elaborate but it really boils down to that.
I won’t mourn the loss of millions from the pockets of billionaires (who btw mostly get lucky, just to dispell the retarded meme of hard work).
Also it means workers can begin the steps towards worker co-ops, which is a net benefit to society and the workers themselves =)
Yup. Save lives is better than … not. Thing. But of course nobody will work together to help those in need. S’all about greed.
I wish they’d do this more. Companies going under? Save them by splitting them up among their workers and then bail out the company with government money.
It also improves productivity because the workers know that putting in effort translates to increasing returns for themselves, instead of being stuck in minimum wage hell in a company that does no meaningful internal promotions.
I whisper softly
Companies should now adapt to allow working from home
What’s that you said? You want low-paid workers going back to service jobs where they can’t social distance, and middle-class people working from home but now with an extended range of leisure activities?
I suppose that is an acceptable compromise…
hay its fine to go out again. lets all go back to normal and pretend this virus doesn’t exist that kills so many thousands
I believe Twitter said they are doing this
Speak of the devil, this just popped up on FB
I work a service job and I’ve been at work Monday to Friday every week since lockdown started, my Mrs is a teacher who has been at school every day since lockdown started.
It’s definitely not the answer for everyone, but my thoroughly working-class housemate has been able to work from home with his office job – his issue is having to deal with his company shafting him by throwing his scheduled pay rise out the window (he has to support himself and his brother on a crap wage). He’s been warned by sympathetic parties that if he raises any kind of fuss, he’ll be sacked.
I cover my face with my hands.
CEO is a lowskill job.