Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

If those sorts of people (i.e. ones who leave doings on the pavements) cared even one iota, then we wouldn’t have that as an issue in the first place.

Nor would we need animal rescue centres, the people who deal with animal abuse, the swathe of dog thefts going on in the UK at the moment (which make me so damn angry) etc etc.

For some reason the designers don’t seem a fan of giving players burrow speeds* (probably because it’s easy total cover). I don’t think a familiar with a burrow speed is an issue personally, but you can always reskin another familiar (like weasel) to be a badger for you.

*druids can do it with wild shape as the basic only exception

My peeve with bad dog owners goes beyond what I can safely express on this forum. As does the petty extent of my imagined punishments for such since childhood. It’s a long grudge.

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Finally installed optifine onto minecraft.

Got it to do what i wanted (basically, when i hold a torch in hand, it lights up the area around me)

Its good!

Minecraft is a peeve. Well, not Minecraft, per se; more having somehow lost access to my account, and not having any kind of confirmation email or login reset or anything like that to fall back on.

I had the thing since Beta, I don’t really want to pay again for something I should, by rights, be able to log in to.
But lots of friends are chilling on it, and… digital company :frowning: tempting…

I met the most fearful thing while doing my deliveries… A hostile Border Collie (Those aren’t supposed to exist :angry:)

And then the most amazing one… A very smart Cocker who snatched the amazon package from my hands and brought it to her owner.

Replying here, cos I promised the OP I wouldn’t post anymore in their thread about pandaren priests.

Whilst I definitely understand your logic, as far as I’m aware, every priest class that has priest available does in fact use Light (even if they don’t directly worship it), including the more obscure ones like trolls (who seem to either fall into Loa priests or witch doctors). EDIT: Obvious exception being night elves, can’t believe I forgot that pretty big one.

In terms of pandaren, however, the only priests we have seen them have in-game have revered The Light, unless someone more knowledgeable than me has examples of pandaren priests who operate under something different. Whilst The Order of The Red Crane has priest NPCs in its rank, it’s hard to decipher if these are priests in the traditional sense because of the fact none of them are named or have any dialogue, meaning they could be priests in the literal sense of being devotees of a deity. We don’t actually see them use any spells, unlike the Omnic priests of the Shado-Pan who revere The Light and use Holy spells.

Difficult thing with priests is you never know if they’re a priest or a Priest.
I can definitely imagine priests of Chi-ji spreading gospel of hope and blessing their comrades, drawing on the power of Chi-ji, not unlike how a troll Loa priest would.
Honestly, the topic of pandaren priests (especially wandering isle ones) would be a good one to bring up to one of the lore writers on Twitter or something.
(Though I would expect much of an answer aside from a handwavey “uhhh they use willpower”)

Me too; I don’t reject the headcanon, because it’s a cool one that makes sense, but the fact we never see any use spells makes it hard to figure out if worshipping the Red Crane gives you Light-based powers or just, well, being a Red Crane monk.

Benefits of pandaren being untouched since MoP: their cool lore is never tainted.
Negatives: we have no idea where pandaren priests or mages came from. I guess for mages they used to be buddy-buddy with Highborne?

It’s the drawback of MoP portraying nearly every non-civilian pandaren as a monk.

Not quite, the presence of Pandaren Mages is made kinda weird due to the absence of lore and retroactive additions. The Pandaren actually gave the Highborne Empire a box containing “all the arcane magic they would ever need”, which turned out to be empty. This might just be a choice to characterise them as disapproving specifically of Highborne excess and reliance on the arcane, but it does make their mages a bit odd.

The Shado-Pan have Mages, at least, but those are the only real examples we have.

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I guess they could’ve picked it up from the Mogu or Zandalari.
You could also make the argument for just about any class for wandering isle pandaren that they just wandered somewhere and learned about the light/arcane/shamanism/demon hunting.
With their more wanderous spirit and whatnot making them less likely to conform to monkhood.

And I do feel you about the updated lore thing, that all Zandalari Prelates are apparently following Rezan has put me off playing one, Rezan is stinky.

Well, sorta. One was she/her/mommy, and the other was she/her/min’do, which is darnassian for mother.

Maybe it was, or maybe there’s just two people wanting to be mom-like for whatever reason. It’s not good either way.

I need 100 [Blade of Early Antiquity]

My interpretation, which is not supported in the game, is that unlike the mainline night elves, who outright banned arcane magic until recently, the pandaren recognize that it has its uses, and have developed it independently. What they abhorred is the Highborne’s overindulgence in the arcane and using it for frivolous things, rather than only when needed.

But yes, there’s pretty much no lore on pandaren mages except that the Shado-Pan have some in their Omnia division, and of course that some of the students at Shang Xi’s academy were mages.

take me back to those heady days

I’m at the point in Kingdom Come Deliverance where it’s Monk simulator time… Worst quest chain ever.

I had a post flagged and removed apparently. Don’t know which one but presumeably it was me ranting about keeping cats indoors.

Lawdy I wish they would actually quote the damn thing so I know tf it got removed for/what post in general got removed :roll_eyes:


Seems so, yeah.

Can only find the 1st post, but not the 2nd.

Meanwhile that specific homophobic thread over at GD is still up almost 5+ months later with barley a post removed.

Blizzard is great at prioritising.


Auto moderation and laying off the CS works :weary:

On an unrealted note we’re taking Gamma off to the vet for a tooth check tomorrow so that’ll be fun

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