Axolotl spawns in minecraft are… equal parts pain but also yes.
They only spawn in complete darkness, so the one time I had them spawn near me in my mine I ofc didn’t have buckets and when I’d gone back down they despawned >:C
Well, if those people feel like I do about the lore changes, I can’t blame them for quitting. It’s all too much, too dark - it changes the tone of RP too much.
I don’t want to work today, my stomach is acting up, it’s also hot. I just want to sit and do nothing the entire day, with a few breaks for playing my new Ratchet game.
One thing Divinity (or indeed, many RPGs) teaches you is to save often and early.
Hello randomly walking into a one-shot or being hugged by an exploding sheep or w/e >_>
Relying on the autosave is treacherous. Especially since it likes to autosave at the start of the battle, where you might end up getting put into a loop of an enemy dropping meteors on you.
While I’m not as alarmist as you are, I do agree that this game is definitely on its way to getting euthanized.
One more bad expansion, just one more and I guarantee that it will never recover.
Bellular’s last vid explained it best. Despite so many called “Wow killers” none of them released in a period where Wow is screwing up this badly.
Blizzard can’t ignore the competition nor can they treat their future patches and expansion with the current principles they’re going with.
Time gated content, needless systems that nobody asked for, a general lack of content and communication from them, no understanding of what the player wants and how they want it.
All these are killing the game, it has burned too many bridges and good will. A customer that feels disrespected is one that definitely won’t come back even with a good expansion, this ain’t a No Man’s Sky situation. Sure there’s a lot of players with a Stockholm Syndrome around but if they ignore their current situation and don’t treat it as the life threatening state that they are currently in right now, I don’t particularly see the game doing well I. The future.
I don’t really think so. Ironically WoW is still doing really well to the point Activision considers it to be one of its’ top earners. The Classic saga idea was exactly what Blizzard needed since no matter how bad retail is messed up they can always rely on that, especially now that they’ve seen they can monetise classic and people will still throw money at them, even if they feel “disrespected”.
I don’t see retail doing any ‘better’ from the perspective of us players because of a simple reason - it’s still successful, it makes them money, so why should they bother to actually make the effort and listen to their customer base that will throw money at them no matter what? How many “bad” expansions have we had already anyway? The majority of people seemed to have hated BFA but wasn’t Shadowlands the most pre-ordered xpack or something?? I’ll be very surprised if history won’t repeat itself with whatever that is coming next.
More money made with less people in perpetual crunch and cut corners, outsourcing beta testing to the players and judging by the growing number of typos every expansion that no native speaker would make, I’m guessing more is outsourced under the hood.
So of course it makes money, barely needing investment over half a year while the Old Reliables (read in Denathrius’ voice) keep feeding the beast to sunk cost their way forward or relive their teen years in classic.
The state of subscription numbers is always going to be conjecture to a degree, but it’s very telling that the only real enthusiasm for the game on places like Twitch has been around the Classic launches, and even then, Blizzard has done a great job of alienating its core audience who largely want to have a game without aggressive monetisation.
The MMO Genre is on its last legs and even if others have overtaken it, it’s indicative of a fallen titan of gaming that it’s taken over a decade since the all-time-high and a nadir of subscription numbers to overtake it.
They say the mountains were the bones of giants, once…
It’s not necessarily that it’s too dark, it’s mainly completely nonsensical and almost every aspect of this expansion has a palpable feel of there being no real respect for the previous settings of the game.
It could feel dark in the sense that for some time now apparently, every character that died is doomed to have their soul be thrown into a gloomy place with the world’s least interesting villain who looks like a Mr. Clean mixed with a titan as its’ caretaker.
I’m personally just going to do everything in my power to not include Shadowlands in my roleplay since I don’t think there’s anything to gain from it. An afterlife that doesn’t really feel like an afterlife but a collection of random alternate realms/dimensions or whatever? I think I’d rather go emote fight murlocs or something. While there are some small good ideas hidden throughout they’re all voided by the fact this was such an unnecessary thing to explore in the setting.
Part of me still hopes Blizzard will use this as an opportunity to do a complete reset and just end this “story” and what has been happening lately and just move on to something else. I mean they are already copying FFXIV anyway.
Trying to go up and after some larger, cosmic threat that threatens to destroy the fabric of time and reality itself will just going to be super comical but also exactly what the monkeys that are part of the writing team would do.
Yes, it’s sheer arrogance to think that players will just swallow anything. Needless to say, Blizzard’s other games are doing very poorly as well. Corporate greed kills everything it touches. It’s disgusting to see how people’s hobby is destroyed like this.
WC3 reforged was outsourced, and one of the worst games ever released.
Anecdotal, perhaps, but none of my friends have come back for TBC.
So for my level up in D&D tomorrow, taking into account advice given here I’m probably going to pick up Burning Hands and Shield as my two new spells. I may also switch out Magic Missiles for Comprehend languages.
TBC is different because TBC was never lost. Some quests changed, most areas were made soloable but Outland wasn’t demolished, its items weren’t lost, the stories have always been there to replay. Classic in comparison is like a lost realm that was rediscovered. OG Azeroth had been gone for so long that both old players and new were dying to go there to see what it was like.