Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

Oh god is Illidan’s whole arc just an elaborate way for him to get spanked by his favorite dommy mommy Maiev?


Illidan is definitely a bratty bottom


a lot of sexual frustration being worked out in pet peeves today. i’m glad


Suramar wasn’t a Highborne colony. It was a fairly typical Kaldorei Empire city. Tyrande herself came from Suramar.

I imagine the way it actually happened was something like:

Thalyssra: “So together, we have outsted a corrupt ruler allied with the Burning Legion, this time without blowing up half the world. Now that this common enemy has united all of elvenkind, I pledge to open the nightborne up to the outside world, learn from the mistakes of the past, and embrace our new allies…”
Tyrande: “I’ll never ally with you, you mean poopy-head!”

I’ve personally mostly seen people describe her as “really stupid” and “ruining” relations with the Nightborne “for no reason at all” other than her own “stupidity” and “racist bias” for it lol

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it’s the same picture

It was more

‘We have finally weaned ourselves off arcane addiction through connection to nature’

‘okay cool, destroy the nightwell then’


‘no deal then’


I mean if her goal was to make friends then yeah she was really stupid.

wow weird how the night elves keep trying to starve the highborne of magic and they take issue with that


if you’re nothing without the well, you shouldn’t have it


maybe if the highborne varieties could try to exist without some magic well of apocalypse-inducing powers they would not have to be starved hehe

It was basically a plot device to justify the management-imposed decision of the nightborne going Horde. In the process making Tyrande hypocritical considering her welcoming the Shen’dralar Highborne into kaldorei society, also because of a management-imposed decision to have night elf mages.


hardly, the Shen’dralar were fine with not having a giant magic water font to draw all of their power from which is the precise issue she has with the Nightborne

But Thalyssra did destroy the Nightwell and Tyrande was right there witnessing it.

lot of tyrande fans supporting a genocide right now…curious…!

they were sucking off a literal demon for millenia how is that better


Tyrande and the night elves being inflexible and poor at diplomacy as a result - mostly stemming from a belief that they are the only real custodians of the world - is not poor writing tho. It’s a consistent character trait and the main reason why the once powerful kaldorei empire is in decline while the adaptive Alliance and Horde are superpowers


i simply want every thalassoid to be removed from the world (of warcraft), i think this is very reasonable

well they quit innit

as opposed to the giant wells of legion invasion enthusiasts

did they quit or did the demon break free because of adventurers?

legitimately asking because i can’t remember. i’m sure it wasn’t their choice though

the latter im pretty sure

still means they quit though :sunglasses:

Right, but that doesn’t make her not stupid in her actions. The complaint wasn’t “it’s bad writing*” here, it was “people said tyrande is stupid” which…not unjustified, she’s a big dummy. That’s one of her character traits.

*although I did see some in the past say it was bad writing for the nightborne not to be neutral

They were kind of forced to when the Horde killed the demon
I think it was the Horde in chronicles that did that
I’m not gonna check.

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I could write a dissertation on why the Kaldorei Empire and the Highborne were not the same, in character as Lintian, but that would take a lot of time I’d rather spend on something else, so I’ll just say this: no, not exactly.

The Highborne were the ruling elite, but they didn’t impose their ways on the whole population. Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan were all from an urban background (they came from Suramar, after all), but weren’t Highborne and kept to “lowborne” kaldorei ways, spending time in nature and so on. More provincial places like Lorlathil seemingly looked like post-Sundering kaldorei settlements. Arcane magic was also not exclusive to the Highborne; Illidan, for example, studied it despite not being Highborne.

Modern Suramar is undoubtedly an example of “Highborne culture” in the sense that it’s a high-magic, fully urbanized culture under Highborne rule. But it wasn’t always the same. The domed city was just the center of ancient Suramar, cut off from the wilds, old architecture built among nature, and most importantly, the center of the Sisterhood of Elune — the main temple of the Empire, now known as the Tomb of Sargeras.


Can’t believe i’m gunna bump into Akae’mitolan at the water cooler in the Temple of Blood now.