Pet peeves: The return (Part 1)

hey nerd

you know about blood elves and stuff. how likely is it that a fresh blood knight recruit would still have green eyes

About as likely as anyone really. The elves still got green eyes everywhere.

Honestly it’s down to you my man, the gold eyes are just a side-effect of the Sunwell combined with faith. You can have green eyes or gold, it’s not that big of a deal.


sure. i doubt i’d ever have time to RP, but I always like to have my ducks in a row so to speak and a fleshed out backstory just on the off chance

I’m here for u bbe x


Even a just-turned-18-ish blood elf will have the Sunwell reigniting as a very recent event, and anyone older than that will have fought either in Outland or with the Shattered Sun - plenty of opportunity for someone to retain green eyes at least for a while

To me, she seems to be resentful at them just because they remind her of the highborne, a society she has a huge bias against.

Her comments go beyond “nightwell bad”. She keeps saying stuff such as “the more NB rebels die for the cause, the less night elves lives are spent”. Then accuses the leader of the rebels that she may betray the Alliance and Horde and become the next Azshara, which is a terrible diplomatic move.

These things don’t stem from the idea that the Nightwell alone is the problem, she took issue with the whole race.

Yeah, they just used a giant demon for what, 7K years?

“Hey, it’s your fault if I hate you, maybe it’s better if you die in starvation” = if that isn’t stupid diplomatic approach, idk what else is.

Also friendly reminder that in terms of corrupted powers, druidism isn’t so much better: the night elves have been vulnerable to the nightmare, or have been turned into satyrs during the Legion’s assault, and ofc they had betrayers in their leadership, ie. Staghelm who sided with a faction that had “apocalypse-inducing” powers.

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As of chronicles, Horde attacked Eldre’thalas, killed the demon/void creature (blizzard is inconsistent on these doggos) and the murderer prince. The shen’dralar were tossed out to be magical hobos for years supposedly living in the wilds somehow until joining night elf society.

Magic addiction not addressed, it’s only a problem when plot convenient. Look at the void elves.

When demons were masses spawned out of chaotic energies, writers and designers could be fast and loose with what they actually were and that was a good thing. You didn’t really question the big cthulu esque dog because it was a demon, god only knows what kind of weird crap the Twisting Nether churns out. With nu-Blizzard’s flowchart labeling of every single entity in the cosmology (and turning demons into something more akin to the Zerg from Starcraft) we run into this all the time. Why is the Burning Legion employing voidwalkers if their purpose is to destroy the world to prevent it from being tainted by void?

[Stonetower enters Korthia for the first time and encounters his first mob]

I have known Gromits for about thirty seconds but if anyone ever made them sad I would kill everyone in the Shadowlands and then myself dig dig dig dig


just wanna live for the swarm :weary: :weary: :weary:

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Eyeball doggo is also a major boss battle in ny’alotha. Then there’s that thing in WoD’s hellfire citadel.

Establishing Fel as purely destructive, fuelling itself to destroy more, you also actively dodge the issue of fel corruption not seeming entirely detrimental. If you’re juiced with something fundamentally destructive you’d look more like the the withered of Suramar than a swole illidan.

Furthermore, the Shen’dralar draining Arcane power from its fundamental opposite of Fel Chaos magic (an artefact from the time the lore said all Arcane is of the Nether and Fel is its untamed most potent form á la warhammer Warp) and seeming no worse off while the nightborne turn pointy from whatever the nightwell was.

Maybe the Shen’dralar are just masking their withered, fel/void tainted mummified husks under elaborate illusions to appear as they did in ye olden days?

The enemy of my enemy is my slave that I bound by obtaining his true name from the byzantine politics of the Void.

Actual canon.

How convenient this part was never addressed again and Blizzard is doing everything to forget about the shen’dralar. Surely if an accident burned them all down…

I think that the most detrimental thing to WoW has been the revolving door of CDEVs, we went from Neilson, Metzen, Afrisisisisisisiabi then in came Kosak (I wager people are missing his angle with the Forsaken now, heh) the old guard trickled out and now we have Danuser + co.

I think Neilson et al’s vision of everything differed from Kosak’s and that differs from Danuser. Though I do think Danuser has been the most destructive with his handling of the narrative.


But they were actually brought back to relevance by evacuating Teldrassil refugees by dirty wizardry.

Another tally of hypocrisy for the night elves. :fist: :weary:

The Hava Agreement clearly establishes why this is an acceptable exception to the rule

How is it an agreement if I never agreed to it? HUH.

Hava nice day LMAO GOTTEM